Officer promotions still competitive, but no decision on 5-year window (2025)

More than two years into the Air Force’s switch to a new officer promotion system, officials are settling into wait-and-see mode while its longer-term impacts take shape.

Unlike on the enlisted side, the Air Force said it is comfortable with how its officer jobs are spread across the ranks. An officer’s chances of promotion will remain essentially the same as usual in fiscal 2023, service spokesperson Tech. Sgt. Deana Heitzman said.

Promotions to Air Force colonel and lieutenant colonel this year remained as competitive as they were in 2021, and even more so for those trying to move up later than usual. As of Aug. 18, the Air Force had not yet released the full results of its promotion boards for majors.

Officer promotions still competitive, but no decision on 5-year window (1)
Did you make lieutenant colonel or technical sergeant?
Good news for thousands of lieutenant colonels and technical sergeants-to-be.

By RachelS.Cohen

In March 2020, the Air Force split its massive single group of officers — known as the Line of the Air Force category — all of whom competed for promotion regardless of their profession, into several career-specific categories that include: air operations and special warfare; nuclear and missile operations; information warfare; combat support and force modernization.

The intent was to promote people based on how well they met the requirements for their particular line of work, rather than judging everyone on a single set of standards that favored pilots and other combat jobs.

A previous category for space-related jobs disappeared once the Space Force began handling its own promotions.

“It is too soon for any career progression and retention data to be attributed to developmental categories,” Heitzman said. “However, we anticipate that increased transparency in the promotion system and promotion opportunities … will be positive factors for retention.”

Officer promotions still competitive, but no decision on 5-year window (2)
Air Force aims for smoother, fairer performance reviews for officers
"Static closeout dates" for officers will start taking effect this year for a more predictable professional development process.

By RachelS.Cohen

This year marked the first time a promotion board has considered prospective colonels in the newest category, dubbed “cross-functional operations” or “LAF-X,” that was created in July 2021.

“The new category consists primarily of foreign area officers who now have their own Air Force specialty code,” said Col. Scott Arcuri, head of the Air Force’s selection board secretariat, in an August 2021 press release. “LAF-X consists of only majors and above.”

Foreign area officers become specialists in a particular country and region of the world through studying history, politics and culture, language immersion and by living abroad. The category also includes multi-domain warfare officers — a field created in 2018 but that began phasing out earlier this year — operational warfare planners and astronauts.

Last year, then-Air Force personnel boss Lt. Gen. Brian Kelly said data from the first round of promotions to lieutenant colonel under the new system suggested that promotions are becoming more equitable for minority airmen.

Officer promotions still competitive, but no decision on 5-year window (3)
Over 500 airmen promoted to colonel as open slots stagnate
About one-third of eligible lieutenant colonels — 555 of nearly 1,800 — were tapped to pin on the full bird.

By RachelS.Cohen

Presumably, that’s because the majority-white pilot corps is no longer competing against other career fields that are more diverse, in a system that was skewed toward aviation-related accomplishments, said Katherine Kuzminski, a military personnel expert at the Center for a New American Security, at the time.

That result — judged by whether airmen in a particular group were promoted at a higher rate than the average — in 2022 held true for Black and Hawaiian and Pacific Islander airmen looking to become colonels. It was also true for American Indian/Native Alaskan, Hawaiian/Pacific Islander and biracial airmen promoted to lieutenant colonel.

Black airmen fared above average in lieutenant colonel promotions in 2021 but not the year after, according to an analysis of demographic data provided to Air Force Times from the major, lieutenant colonel and colonel promotion cycles in 2020, 2021 and 2022. All figures refer to in-the-zone promotions, or once someone hits the minimum amount of time in grade and service needed to move up.

Hispanic and Latino airmen were not promoted above average to any rank in any of the three years. In contrast, white airmen were promoted above average to all three ranks, across all three years.

Officer promotions still competitive, but no decision on 5-year window (4)
The promotion outlook: What lies ahead for Air Force officers and enlisted airmen
Personnel management updates aim to reward both good performance and time in service; give airmen with different skill sets a fairer shot at promotion; and judge people on their character and competence rather than popularity.

By RachelS.Cohen

And women have outpaced men for promotion to major and lieutenant colonel, but fell below average when seeking to become colonels in 2021 and 2022.

Another potentially major change is on hold: adopting a five-year window in which an airman could be promoted. Officials are still looking at the details of how that would work, Heitzman said.

Instead of promoting airmen either “in the zone” or “above the zone,” which is later than usual, proponents believe a five-year span would let officers focus on more personal and professional growth without worrying as much about timing.

“In the meantime, the Air Force officer promotion windows remain what they are today,” Heitzman said.

About RachelS.Cohen

Rachel Cohen is the editor of Air Force Times. She joined the publication as its senior reporter in March 2021. Her work has appeared in the Washington Post, the Frederick News-Post (Md.), Air and Space Forces Magazine, Inside Defense, Inside Health Policy and elsewhere.

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Officer promotions still competitive, but no decision on 5-year window (2025)


Can an officer decline a promotion? ›

10 U.S. Code § 14312: Officers selected by a mandatory selection board may request delay of promotion by up to three years. Requests must be approved by the Service Secretaries. Officers declining promotion are considered to have failed of selection.

How long does it take to get promoted as an officer? ›

Time in Grade and Time in Service
Promote to:Time in ServiceTime in Grade
First lieutenant/O218 months18 months
Captain/O34 years plus 1 year2 years
Major/O410 years +/- 1year3 years
Lieutenant Colonel/O516 years +/- 1 year3 years
1 more row
Jul 28, 2019

How many times can an officer be passed over for promotion? ›

You can retire without being passed over if you have served enough time. On the other hand, if you are passe over a second time, you must either retire or be discharged.

What is failure of selection for promotion? ›

Federal Law. 10 U.S. Code § 627: Officers on the active-duty list (ADL) in grades below O6 who are in or above a promotion zone and are considered but not selected for promotion are considered to have failed of selection for promotion. 10 U.S. Code § 629: Officers may be removed from a promotion list by the President.

What is unfair promotion? ›

At its core, an unfair promotion is any way of moving people up that isn't based on ability or clear rules that are applied to all applicants the same way. This might show up as favoritism, nepotism, or bias based on race, age, gender, or other traits that don't matter.

How do you deal with promotion rejection? ›

These four steps will help you get over the rejection you're facing so you can continue kicking butt at your job:
  1. Redirect Your Negative Emotions. ...
  2. Be Proactive and Seek Direct Feedback. ...
  3. Use it as a Learning Opportunity. ...
  4. Figure Out Your Next Step.

Which military branch promotes officers the fastest? ›

The Army is generally the branch of the military that promotes the fastest. That said, your military job and any advanced education you have can impact your ability to be promoted. A college degree can help you get promoted, regardless of your branch.

How long should it take to get promoted? ›

The length of time the average promotion may take could vary between distinct roles and companies. Typically, it is reasonable to expect a promotion may take up to three years. If the time extends to 4-5 years with no promotion in sight, making progress in your career could begin to be difficult.

How do commissioned officers get promoted? ›

In general, promotions for commissioned officers follow a similar – though not identical – process as enlisted service members. Officers receive a written performance evaluation from superior officers, which are an important part of the promotion board's ability to assess their readiness for a higher rank.

What rank do most marines retire at? ›

In the Marine Corps, prevalent retirement ranks are Gunnery Sergeant (E-7), Master Sergeant (E-8), and Lieutenant Colonel (O-5). Non-commissioned officers, including Gunnery Sergeants and Master Sergeants, usually retire after surpassing 20 years of dedicated service.

How many years is the average promotion? ›

You might consider job-hopping after two years to find a higher position and salary at a bigger company with more opportunities. But if you're at a large company where you can steadily progress up the career ladder, you should aim for a promotion every five years.

Can a commander deny promotion? ›

Any command level may deny promotion for their assigned members.

What is unjustly passed over for promotion? ›

Federal law protects workers from being discriminated against based on certain traits. This means that you cannot be denied a promotion based on age, sex, religion, race, or other similar qualities. These are things that you cannot control, so they should not factor into the conversation about hiring and promotions.

Can a promotion be declined? ›

If it's not the path you want to take, it's okay to say no,” says Amantha Imber, an organizational psychologist and the author of Time Wise.

Can I be fired for not accepting a promotion? ›

If you're offered a promotion, but don't want to take it, you may run the risk of losing your job altogether. In this sense, you aren't necessarily being forced to take the promotion, but rather, are given an opportunity to stay with the company in a new capacity or leave and seek employment elsewhere.

Do you have the right to refuse a promotion? ›

If it's not the path you want to take, it's okay to say no,” says Amantha Imber, an organizational psychologist and the author of Time Wise.

Can you be fired for denying a promotion? ›

“Keep in mind that, for the most part, deciding to reject a promotion would not be cause for termination,” she says. “But an employer may decide from a business case that they really need somebody in that manager role and perhaps they don't need anybody in your existing role.”

Can a company take away a promotion? ›

Your employer can decide whether or not to promote you, but it cannot be based on illegal reasons. When that happens, you may have a valid claim for wrongful failure to promote.


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Name: Corie Satterfield

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Introduction: My name is Corie Satterfield, I am a fancy, perfect, spotless, quaint, fantastic, funny, lucky person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.