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The lowest level of container storage, typically used for specimen containers, such as tubes of blood. Racks are defined with fill patterns and dimensions (the number of rows and columns) to enable the storage tracking system to fill them according to a site's needs.

radio frequency identification (RFID)

A type of wireless communication thatuses electromagnetic signals to automatically identify and track tags that are attached to objects and that contain electronically stored information. Oracle Health Anatomic Pathology uses RFID labels to trackspecimens from the point of collection to receipt in the laboratory.


The radiology lexicondevelopedby the Radiological Society of North America. RadLex providesastandardized way ofcommunicating diagnosticimagingresults.

random-access memory (RAM)

A type of data storage in a computer.

rapid chart

A method of quick-entry documentation often used for procedures performed in a nurse unit or an acute-care unit such as an emergency department (ED).

rate of administration

Also known as the flow rate for IV fluids, the speed at which a dose or volume of medication or fluid is given. The rate of administration can be expressed in many different ways, including mg/min, ml/min, or ml/hr.

rate rounding with precision

The practice of simplifying or shortening a price value while keeping the new value as close as possible to the original. Precision is a specified number of decimal places used for a percentage adjustment before any rounding takes place. Valid precision options for rate structure include nearest dollar, nearest fifty cents, nearest twenty-five cents, and nearest ten cents.


In the context of pharmacy dispense categories, the relationship between the ordered dose of a medication and the dispensed quantity of a pharmacy product.


In chemistry, a chemical change that creates one or more new substances.

read timeout threshold

An option that enables you to designate the number of 45-second increments that Open Engine uses to read a port before terminating the read operation.


A text (TXT) filethat contains information about a software program or utility. A Readme step is an automated method of running a script during the installation process. It is used by an application to alter the database or system in a way that cannot be performed in the application itself. For example, a new back-end table column might need to be populated before the application can use it correctly.


A substance used in a chemical reaction to detect, measure, examine, or produce other substances.

Real Application Cluster (RAC)

Part of the Oracle 9i database used to install a database on multiple servers.

real-time PCR

A polymerase chain reaction (PCR) in which the results of amplification are determined by an instrument concurrent with the DNA amplification instead of after amplification by running on a gel.


An individual who receives living tissue from another individual.

See also: donor

recommended order quantity (ROQ)

The number of units of an item to be reordered for stocking, as suggested by the system.

red blood cell (RBC)

Blood cells that are prepared by removing most of the plasma from a unit of whole blood through a process of centrifugation. RBCs are used to treat patients with anemia because they provide oxygen-carrying capacity without adding unnecessary volume.

See also: white blood cell (WBC)

Red Hat Enterprise Appliance (RHEL)

A Linux-based operating system (OS) developed by Red Hat that is designed for businesses.

reference database

A database provided with Cerner applications for review and use in the applications. The content is updated on a regular basis by a third party and cannot be modified directly.

Reference Domain Data Sync (RDDS)

An update process designed to reduce implementation time, complexity, and user impact. RDDS tracks the reference database configuration for new solutions or functionality in the source domain and then merges the reference database changes into a target domain.

reference laboratory

A laboratorythat receives and performs tests on a specimen from anotherlaboratory.

reference laboratory interface (RLI)

An interface that provides the ability to send laboratory orders outbound to, and receive results from, a reference laboratory.

Reference Pages

Formerly the Cerner Millennium Support Guides (CMSGs), documentation that provides end-to-end solution support from designing a database to maintaining and troubleshooting Cerner solutions postconversion. The Reference Pages are on Cerner Wiki.

reference range

The range of values within which a result is considered to be acceptable. For example, the reference range for a serum potassium procedure at a specific laboratory might be 3.5 to 5.0 mEq/L. Any result within this range is acceptable. Each laboratory establishes reference ranges for its facility. Some values (such as estrogen levels) may vary by sex or age, while others (such as glucose levels) are constant.


To update the information displayed in a user interface (UI) to reflect the most current information in the database. Many applications have a Refresh button in the upper-right corner.


  1. The process of sending a patient from one practitioner to another for health care services. A health plan may require that the designated primary care physician (PCP) authorize a referral for coverage of specialty services.
  2. A form authorizing a provider other than the patient's PCP to provide services.


Used when referring toacountry or region outside the U.S.

registered nurse (RN)

Anurse who has graduated from a nursing program and meets the requirements outlined by a country, state, province, or similar licensing body to obtain a nursing license.

registration contributor method

The third-party system that provides registrations to OSM Requisition Order Entry (OSMRequisitionOrderEntry.exe).

Rehabilitation Act of 1973

U.S. legislation that prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability in programs conducted by federal agencies, programs receiving federal financial assistance, federal employment, and in the employment practices of federal contractors.

See also: Section 508

rejected claim

A denied request for payment. Reasons for denial include duplicate claims, noncovered services, or an incorrect benefit order.

relational database

A structured set of data designed to recognize connections or similarities among stored information.

See also: relational database management system (RDBMS)

relational database management system (RDBMS)

A type of program used with Structured Query Language (SQL) to create, update, and administer a relational database.


The role defined between a health care professional and a patient. Relationships can be visit-specific (such as an admitting physician) or lifetime (such as a PCP). Visit-specific relationships are set to expire after a configurable amount of time. In PowerChart (PowerChart.exe), a user must establish a relationship with a patient before opening the patient's chart.

release of information (ROI)

A request for patient information that is made by a person, such as a patient or family member, or an organization, such as an insurance organization or a court of law. For most ROI requests, the patient's guardian must sign a release for health care documents to be copied and released.

Release Update Package

A large, cumulative package that contains both enhancements and correction solution changes (SCs) to Cerner Millennium functionality. Administration Release Update Packages (such as Automated Testing, Bedrock, and Install Tools) are released on a different schedule than standard Release Update Packages. With these packages, clients can take SCs to supplement Cerner Millennium functionality without taking updates for the entire Cerner Millennium solution suite. Service Packages and Exception Packages provide critical corrections and minor enhancements between release updates.

Reliable Data Model (RDM)

A transaction model thatdelivers reliableserverrequeststoservices, meaning that the messages persist until they are processed. If theserverterminates, therequestis moved to anexception queuewhere it can be resubmitted for processing. RDM currently uses theIBM WebSphere MQ framework to implement a reliable delivery mechanism.

remote device type

The type of equipment to which data is sent.

Remote-Hosted Option (RHO)

A CernerWorks implementation approach in which Cerner provides infrastructure (hosting services, hardware, connectivity, data housing, and IT staff) to operate a computer system on a client's behalf at a Cerner location instead of at the client site. The client owns the software license and can customize its system. This method typically involves a Cerner configuration. This approach is the alternative to the Client-Hosted Option (CHO), in which the client provides the infrastructure to operate a computer system at its own site.

Remote Procedure Call (RPC)

A protocol that a program can use to request a service from another computer program on a different network even if the program does not understand the network's details. RPCuses the client-server model and enables sites toconstruct distributed, client-server applications.

reorder pack factor

The number of units in a reordered package size. This value is selected in the Acquirement Properties tab of DB Item Location Maintenance (ItemLocBuild.exe), but it first must be defined for the item in DB Maintenance Tool (MMDBTool.exe).

reorder point (ROP)

Also known as the reorder quantity or reorder threshold, a quantity level that, when reached, begins an action to replenish stock of that item.

reorder quantity

See reorder point (ROP).

reorder threshold

See reorder point (ROP).


A response generated by a server as the result of a request in the Common Request Model (CRM).

report claim

A claim generated at the financial encounter level and submitted to a reporting agency.

report group

A high-level view of classes that contain multiple subclasses with many items included that is used for printing purposes. Only the classes are printed.

reporting priority

A designation or code assigned to an order to specify how soon testing must be performed and the results reported. For example, a STAT priority indicates that results need to be reported immediately, while a Routine priority might indicate that results can be reported as part of the regular department workflow.

Representational State Transfer (REST)

A type of software architecture that provides interoperability between computer systems on the internet.

See also: RESTful


  1. In Open Engine, a message that represents data parameters needed by a server to perform a required activity. A request is fulfilled by a server.
  2. In Outreach Services, a description applied to any incoming or outbound phone call. A combination of categories and subcategories creates a request.
  3. In Discern, a set or package of information that travels between devices, such as a request for information from a PC to a server.

request category

A grouping used to organize requests into predefined queues.

See also: request subcategory

request subcategory

A reason for an event to automatically begin a callback to be placed in the appropriate queue by the system. In scheduling rules, a request category and subcategory combine to create a request.

request template

A template assigned to a defined request or request subcategory.


A health care professional or department, an individual (such as a patient or family member), or an organization (such as an insurance organization or a court of law) that requests information from a patient record.

See also: ROI

Requests table

Also labeled as the REQUESTS table, the back-end data table that contains specific request information.


  1. In Clinical Inventory Management, a form that conveys a user's needs to the purchasing department and that results in a purchase order (PO) or a request to transfer materials from storage to another area in an organization. A requisition might also cause an authorization to be sent to the purchasing department by a person who has been assigned that responsibility by management.
  2. In Outreach Services, a form used to indicate procedures to be ordered for a patient.

requisition number

A number used by a reference laboratory to identify a work order for processing a specimen. This number is a unique, 16-digit encounter-specific identifier used to link a person with a requisition. In Outreach Operations, this number is always generated by the system and begins with the six-digit client number followed by a 10-digit sequence number.

research account

The guarantor for procedures that are not billable to the ordering client or the patient, for example, a drug company testing an experimental drug.


In scheduling, any person or item with limited availability and for which a schedule is kept, such as a physician or an examination room.


A specification that is the expected answer from a modem and that generally is specified in the modem's documentation.

Response Time Measurement System (RTMS)

Associated with Olympus (Olympus.exe) and Lights On Network, a group of performance timers used with Cerner solutions that are designed to measure events related to the end-user experience. Cernerhas committed to improve the performance ofCerner Millenniumapplications and set a goal for 99 percent of all RTMS-timed events to have a collective average of two seconds or less.

responsive design

An application development approach that enables elements in a UI to be displayed properly on a variety of devices and screen sizes.

See also: Fusion


A term used to describe a service that is based on REST architecture.


A status indicating that interactions with the vendor are suspended due to unresolved issues.

restriction enzyme

An enzyme that recognizes a specific pattern in DNA and cuts the DNA at that sequence.

restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP)

A technique in which the loss or gain of a sequence recognized by a restriction enzyme is used to detect a mutation.


The answer to a detail procedure.

result accumulation date

A modifiable date based on the admission date from patient registration.

result frequency

The positive percentage value for the outcome of a specific procedure, adjusted for reading errors.

result type

The classification (for example numeric, alphabetic, or calculation) assigned to the outcome of a specific procedure.

See also: section type

return authorization (RA)

See merchandise return authorization (MRA).

return goods authorization (RGA)

See merchandise return authorization (MRA).

reusable fragment

A pattern based on a discrete topic, such as a medication or diagnosis type. For example, a medication fragment is named for the drug type (such as gastric acid inhibitors) and includes all of the specific related drugs and doses.

revenue code

A payment code for services or items used on the CMS 1450 form.

Revenue Cycle

A Cerner solution that integrates the entire financial life cycle of a patient from the initial access of health care services through payment for services (or collections, if applicable).


  1. In the context of orders, see nurse review.
  2. In the context of results, the process of verifying a result.
  3. In the context of pharmacy, an action that, if selected, displays the details of any ingredients that require further attention before being manually included in or excluded from an order set or IV set.


The status of a chart completion task performed by the health information management (HIM) department indicating that the task must be performed again.

ribonucleic acid (RNA)

A type of molecule in a cell; its primary function is to serve as the intermediary between DNA and protein synthesis.


A complexmolecular component of all livingcells that serves as the site ofbiological protein synthesis(translation). Ribosomes linkamino acidstogether in the order specified bymessenger RNA (mRNA) molecules.

Rich Client Platform (RCP)

An Eclipse platform that makes it easier to integrate independent software components, because most of the data processing occurs on the client side.With RCP, you can build Java applications.

Rich Text Format (RTF)

A file format that supports text formatting such as bold or italic font, colored text, and font sizes, as opposed to TXT (plain text) format. RTF is intended for cross-platform document interchange with Microsoft products. This format is indicated with a file extension of .RTF.

risk adjustment factor (RAF) score

A score assigned by the that is a calculation of the health expenditure risk or measure of disease burden for a patient.

See also: hierarchical condition category (HCC)


In the context of protocol for a clinical trial, the specific duty assigned to a researcher such as an administrative assistant or principal investigator.


An optional location that may contain one or more beds. A room can be added to a nurse unit, ambulatory unit, or other appointment location and is at level four of the location hierarchy.

rotavirus (RV)

A vaccine used to protect against rotavirus infections, which are the leading cause of severe diarrhea among young children.

route of administration

The method of administering a drug or other substance to a target site in a patient so that the chemical is absorbed into the blood and reaches the site. Routes of administration include implant, inhalation, IV, oral, topical, and transdermal.

route setup

The outbound process or processes to which transactions received by an inbound process are sent.

route-form compatibility

A cross-reference of valid routes of administration for a dosage form and vice versa.


Any application or component that provides the means to define and implement user decisions that affect system functions, such as Expert Knowledge Modules (EKM) in Discern Expert or the autoverification functionality in Cerner Millennium Laboratory applications.

Rule Based Optimizer (RBO)

An Oracle query optimizer that requires the database to follow predefined rules for how to run a query.

See also: Cost Based Optimizer

rule form

A basic quality control (QC) rule format. An individual QC rule begins with a rule form.

rule set

A grouping mechanism that establishes the order in which related rules are evaluated and processed.

RxStation location

A pharmacy location where an automated dispensing machine (ADM) maintains and dispenses items. Each compartment, bin, or tray in RxStation is considered a location. The following list describes each RxStation storage tower:

  • RxStation 410: Maintains items for single oral dispenses
  • RxStation 420: Maintains items for bulk dispenses
  • RxStation 430: Maintains large items and includes locators that contain other locators

RxStation location types are be defined on Code Set 4900 in Core Code Builder (CoreCodeBuilder.exe).

Run-Time Library (RTL)

A group of routines that, when called from an application program, provide information as if you hadaccessed a Discern Explorercommand line directly from the keyboard.

R - Help Pages - Wiki Cert (2024)


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Name: Melvina Ondricka

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