Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (2025)

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (1)


GilletteADVERTISERFREE Take one! Published Weekly – Vol. 36, No. 36 – September 5-11 • www.gilletteadvertiser.com

307-682-78612610 S. Douglas Hwy, Suite 190Powder Basin Shopping Center



Starting At


Starting At

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Eye ExamsStarting at $60 00

Ready ToThrow ThePig Skin?Might wanna go to Might wanna go to

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110 East Lakeway110 East Lakeway(307) 670-9426(307) 670-9426

Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8-5Monday, Wednesday, Thursday 8-5Tuesday 1-5 • Friday 8-1Tuesday 1-5 • Friday 8-1

Saturday 10-NoonSaturday 10-Noon

Stop in today and meet our staff :Dr. Bob McIntosh • Lesley Moser • Sandra McIntoshJasmin Havelka • Dr. Ashley Latva • Dr. Matt Arnio

Services Provided:Services Provided:• Chiropractic Manipulations• Dynamic Rehabilitation• DOT & Occupational Testing• Trigger Point Therapy• Electric Muscle Stimulation• Ultrasound Therapy• Cervical Traction

We’ve got your back!We’ve got your back!

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (2)

Page 2 The Advertiser – September 5, 2012




Elizabeth (Betsy) Jones, CPIW, LUTCF, DAE- Agent

Auto-Preferred & SR22’sHome Owners • Renters

Building StrongerCommunities

1001 S. Douglas Hwy., Ste. 184 682-6520


Gillette CrimeStoppers

Wyoming Beverage Inc.Wyoming Beverage Inc.of Gilletteof Gillette

(307) 685-2404 2201 East Boxelder Rd.


BURGLARYCrime Stoppers needs your help in solving a burglary that occurred within the last three weeks at PackAway Storage located at 3900 E. Collins Road. Unknown suspect(s) made entry into a storage unit by cutting the lock. Items taken during the burglary include a Miller 220 v wire feed welder, Craftsman 30 gallon air compressor, Dewalt sabre saw, Dewalt circular saw, Makita grinder and a Champion generator.

NARCOTICSCrime Stoppers needs your help in solving narcotic crimes in Gillette. The Gillette Narcotics Investigation Team is requesting information relating to any drug related activity in Gillette.

If you have information that can solve this or any other crime please call Crime Stoppers at 686-0400 or the High School Crime Stoppers at 682-4185. You can remain anonymous and may earn up to $1,000 in reward.

Prevention Tips: •Make your home look occupied. •Even if for a short time, lock all doors, windows, garages, etc. •Don’t let mail, papers, etc. build up. •Arrange for lawn to be mowed while away. •Never leave keys in “secret” hiding places, burglars know where to look. •Install a burglar alarm system.


NEWER ~ 3 Bedroom2 Bath Mobile Home

Call 464-1404 or1-866-464-1404

Starting at $900/mo.Partial utilities included

$Save TIME& MONEYLess Rent

Short Drive To Mines


Word Games for Kids: Words in Words

You can sometimes make words

using the letters in a larger word. For example, from the word “tube” you can make “be,” “bet,” “but,” and “tub.” Now onto a harder one: how many words can you make from the word “licorice?” (Hint: we found 24.)

Answers:Circle, cleric, coil, colic, core, ice,

icicle, icier, ire, lei, lice, lie, lore, oil, oiler, oilier, or, ore, recoil, relic, rice, rile, roe, role.

Published every Wednesday by the Gillette News Record1201 W. Second St., Gillette, WY 82716

To advertise, call 682-9306 Bob Kettrey, Ext. 121 • Lindsey Petri, Ext. 212

Tinelle Cox, Ext. 215 • Michele Gossett, Ext. 216Londen Fuernisen, Ext. 218

PLEASE NOTE!The Gillette Advertiser is carrier-delivered to about

11,000 households in the Gillette and Wright areas. You also can pick upthe Gillette Advertiser at racks set up in

Gillette, Wright, Moorcroft, Rozet, Recluse, Broadus and Biddle.For delivery questions or employment opportunities, call

Deanna at 682-9306, Ext. 225

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (3)

September 5, 2012 - The Advertiser Page 3

Be sure to pick up your ALL-NEW Gillette Advertiser

at the following rack locations throughout Gillette.

• A-Do Salon

• Adriano’s Italian Restaurant

• C.C. Airport

• Albertson’s

• All Dimensions Fitness Center

• America’s Best Value Inn

• Arby’s

• AT&T

• Bloedorn’s

• Boys & Girls Club

• Breanna’s Bakery

• Brooks St. Inn

• Candlewood Suites

• C.C. Road & Bridge

• C.C. Weed & Pest

• Celebration Station

• Chamber of Commerce

• China Buff et

• Clarion

• Coff ee Brothers

• Comfort Inn

• Consignments & More

• Cottonwood Terrace

• Country Inn

• C.C. Courthouse

• Crazy Woman Campground

• Days Inn

• Dollar Tree

• Don’s Supermarket (Gillette)

• Don’s Supermarket (Wright)

• El Burrito

• Expresso Lube

• Everything Kids

• Fairfi eld Inn

• Fantastic Sams

• FCA Country Store

• Fireside

• Foothills Kum & Go

• Godfather’s Pizza

• Good Times Liquor & Lounge

• Granny’s Kitchen

• H&R Block

• Hank’s Lounge (Wright)

• High Plains Campground

• Holiday Inn Express

• Hong Kong

• Hospital (ER) (Front Lobby)

• Howard Johnson

• Information Center

• Jack’s Liquor

• Kwik Shops

• Lakeway Laundry

• Lariat Cafe

• Las Margaritas

• C.C. Public Library

• Lightning Lube

• Little Store

• Loaf & Jugs

• Longhorn Saddlery

• Mona’s Cafe

• Moorcroft Post Offi ce

• National 9 Inn

• O’Riley Tire

• Paradise Food (Pine Haven)

• Perkins

• Pioneer Manor

• Pokey’s

• Premier Home Loans

• Primrose Senior Living

• Recluse Post Offi ce

• Rocky Mountain Sports

• Rozet Post Offi ce

• Ruff ’s Bar

• RV Park (Wright)

• Savageton Bar

• Sears

• Seconds on Th ird

• Senior Citizen’s Center

• Settle Inn

• Shell Stations

• Skyline Grill

• Smart Choice

• Smith’s

• Smoke Shop

• Soup Kitchen

• Southview Center

• Sunburst

• Surf & Suds

• Sweetheart Bread

• Tire Rama

• TLC Liquors

• Value Villa

• Walmart

• Wingate Motel

• Work Force

• Wright Steakhouse

• Wyoming Marine

• Year Round Brown

Sand, Rock and landscaping products, Asphalt driveways, Pre-Cast Items,

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We Have Stoker Coal!

Safely building The Preferred Source of quality sand, rock, landscape products,

ready-mixed concrete, asphalt, paving, and construction services.



Extang tonneau cover for shortbox Chevy pick-up. $75. 307-391-1034.

Golf clubs: Drivers, Cleveland hybrids, kids’clubs, under $100. 682-3324.

Brand new authentic stitched Peyton ManningBroncos Jersey, $95, 307-851-1354.

This newspaper is not responsible or liablewhatsoever for any claim made by an ad inthis newspaper or for any of the services,

products or opportunities offered by our adver-tisers. The content of any advertisement is thesole responsibility of the advertiser. We do notendorse, encourage or promote the purchaseor sale of any product, service, company orindividual that chooses to advertise in this

newspaper, and we reserve the right to refuseany/ all advertising we deem inappropriate orunacceptable by our company standards. Inaddition, this newspaper reserves the right toedit, or locate any classified advertisementunder whatever heading we decide will bestconform with our classification regulations.


We buy junk cars. Towing available. Manning’sSalvage. 307-685-6968.

2008 Ford Mustang GT, Bullitt Edition, 13,800miles. Serious inquiries only. Asking blue book,

$25,000 firm. 299-6885, evenings.

2003 Mercury Sable, four door, GS, low miles,$3,695. Consider trades. 307-682-7622.

2003 P.T. Cruiser, 96K miles, nice, $4,525.Trades considered. 307-682-7622.

For Sale-2003 Pontiac Grand Am GT, reliable,great school car, $6,200/ OBO, call 307-299-


1996 Buick Century, runs good, $1,750, con-sider trades. 307-682-7622.

2000 Pontiac Grand Prix, four door, SE, nice,$2,775. Trades considered. 307-682-7622.


Auto insurance preferred and SR-22’s. CallElizabeth Jones Agency, 307-682-6520.


1966 Mustang Coupe, for restore, nice,$3,000. 307-660-6392.

1967 Camaro, fully restored, red, 350, 350Turbo fired transmission. $25,000/ OBO

Thomas 307-689-3747.


1999 Dodge Caravan, runs good, $1,485. 307-682-7622.

2001 Chevy Venture, 108K miles, excellentvan, $3,695, trades considered, 307-682-7622.

1966 Chevy, 1987 Chevy. 689-0375.

2004 Kia Sedona van, LX, V6, 101K miles,$3,695. Trades considered. 307-682-7622.

1991 S10, runs good with shell, five speed, 2.8motor, or will trade one ATV four-wheel of

equal value. $950. 307-696-5463.


1999 Expedition, XLT, sharp, $3,850, tradesconsidered. 307-682-7622.

1995 Chevy Suburban, 1/2 ton, loaded, cleanand ready for winter, $4,000. 680-8978.

2000 Explorer, sharp, $2,775, trades consid-ered. 307-682-7622.

2004 Chevy 2500, diesel, crew cab, third seatcab extension, AT, new injectors, sharp,

$15,275, trades considered 307-660-5469.

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (4)

Page 4 The Advertiser – September 5, 2012

Saturday, Sept. 8


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Registration starts at: 6:15 a.m.

Kids 1K starts at 7:15 a.m.

Walkers start at 7:30 a.m.

Runners start at 7:45 a.m.

Pre-register now through Aug. 25������������������ �


Day of registration

Aug. 26 - Sept. 8���� ��������������� �


Kids 1K - General



Campbell County Recreation Center

LunchesWed., Sept. 5: Kielbasa w/Sauerkraut, Baked Potato, Carrot Raisin

Salad, Wheat Berry Bread, Mandarin Pudding.

Thurs., Sept. 6: Spaghetti, Green Beans, Tossed Spring Salad, Breadstick, Jell-o w/Fruit.

Fri., Sept. 7: First National Bank - Birthday Dinner. Swiss Steak, Mashed Red Potatoes, Buttered Corn, Zesty Coleslaw, Dinner Roll, Cake & Ice Cream.

Mon., Sept. 10: Pork Fritter, Cheesy Pasta, Peas & Carrots, Applesauce, Blueberry Muffi n, Chocolate Parfait.

Tues., Sept. 11: Cloud Peak Energy Sponsored Dinner. Chicken Fried Steak, Potatoes & Gravy, Candied Carrots, Tossed Salad, Potato Roll, Peaches & Cream Bar.

The Campbell County Senior Center at 701 Stocktrail Ave.

is open 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday.

For more information, call 686-0804.

Campbell County Senior Center

Weekly Menu

Hot lunches are served Monday - Friday at Noon. A $3.50 donation is suggested for people over age 60, or $7 under 60. Transportation is available. Call the senior center to make reservations.

Advertise Your Business Here!Be the Senior Center menu sponsor for only $60 per month.

Call your advertising representative today

at 682-9306, Ext. 4 or email: [emailprotected]



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2012 36’ Monte Carlo, two slides, washer/dryer, loaded, like new, will deliver. $23,900.


Hitchhiker II LS 29.5, LKTG, 2007, great con-dition, generator, satellite. $27,000/ OBO,

Gillette, 406-224-0123.

Holiday Rambler Savoy, 2006, 30 ft. sleepsten, two sets of bunkbeds, slide out, $14,500


2008 36’ Montana Mountaineer Toyhauler fifth-wheel, three slide-outs, never been towed,

custom skirting, three flat screen TV’s.Toyhauler space doubles as decorative living

space,asking $33,000/ OBO. 307-680-2809.

2000 Aero Cub, sleeps six, $6,000. 682-7398.


2001 YZ426F, runs great, $1,600. 680-0962.

2006 HD Fatboy, excellent condition, 7,200miles, $11,900. 689-0044.

1979 Honda XR500, nice original condition,see at Keyhole campground, $900. 325-650-


1979 Honda CX500, custom needs carburetorwork, $350, 682-6493.

2007 Kawasaki KLR 650 “Dual Purpose”motorcycle. Excellent condition, only 4,500

miles. $3,400. 307-680-8587.1999 Goldwing SE1500, 50th Anniversary

Edition, 9,100 miles, $7,300/ OBO. 682-7971.

2011 Sportster Superlo, 500 miles, $7,800.307-267-6845.

2007 Harley Davidson Softail Deluxe, $14,000/OBO, 419-967-0626.

Honda GL1800 Gold Wing 2007 six-cylinder.Excellent. $15,500, 680-2564.

Oilfield theme bike, custom chopper, or hot rodshovel head motor, or complete bike, 1982

motor, 40’s frame and transmission, 50’s panhead front end, will sell all or parts. Call 680-

8961 for more information.


For Sale: 2012 Can Am Commander 1000Limited, less than 12 hours, still under warran-

ty $18,500 Call 307-689-1979.


Transmissions, transfers, rearends, in stock.Used/ rebuilts. Auto repairs. Nationwide parts

locating. 660-3738.

15 inch three-spoke Mustang wheels. $100. 307-299-2324.

Remanufactured automotive carburetors, 30years experience, special guarantees. 307-

567-2012.Buying junk batteries. 660-3738.

1998 Pontiac Transport for parts, $500. 307-567-2012.


Enclosed trailer. 687-1509.

Wanted: Junk batteries, . 307-670-1675.


Bish’s Trailer Sales,701 Metz Drive, 307-689-0202.

5500 pound trailer axles, with brakes and sus-pension, $200, 682-6493.


NEW PRICE!A Custom four bedroom, three bath home with

oversized two car garage on 2.5 acres.Features include a big open kitchen, Nice cus-

tom upgrades and a master suite to die for!$254,900. Get more information and see the

virtual tour at www.HarryKimbrough.comRE/MAX Professionals 307-680-8251.

BEAUTIFUL new three large bedroom, twobath home located on five acres just southof town with stunning view. Home is loadedwith extra features and move in ready. Callfor showing today at 689-3911 or 686-7722.

Sleepy Hollow, four bedroom, two bath,$199,000, large lot and deck, Great locationand close to school. Contact 605-484-7959.

2,350-sq.ft. four bedroom, two bath, single cardetached garage, in very good condition,.200East Sunset Drive, 307-686-0580 or 307-689-

5175. $216,700.

First Time Buyers! If you are paying $650 amonth in rent and have $1,500 for a down pay-

ment you could own a three bedroom, twobath home with two car garage for LESS!

Price $104,000 Call 680-8251 for details andview at www.HarryKimbrough.com RE/MAX


Three-four bedroom, two bath, maintenancefree deck and siding. Sits on 1.95 acres.

Serious inquires only. 685-1101.

CUSTOM modular homes, build to suit. InSleepy Hollow, Arley Acres, Rodeo Flats,

Rozet Ranchettes, also in Rozet and Wrightnew subdivisions coming soon. Call Barrettfor appointment today to build your dream

home, 689-3911.

SHORT SALE!! You must see this three bed-room, two bath home in Sagebluffs subdivi-sion! It has had several updates in the past

and sits on a nice corner lot! Priced at$178,700. Call 680-8251 for details and view

at www.HarryKimbrough.com RE/MAXProfessionals.

Will trade Gillette home for Black Hills home orland. 687-1509.

Westover, three bedroom, two bath town-house. Close to schools,.attached one car,

large deck,.private yard, shed. 307-629-1055.

First Time Buyers! If you are paying $700 amonth in rent and have $1,500 for a down pay-

ment you could own a three bedroom, two

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (5)

September 5, 2012 - The Advertiser Page 5

Janet’s Notebook

Linda Dalton’s Mini Cream Filled Delights


bath home with two car heated garage forLESS! Price $122,700 Call 680-8251 for

details and view at www.HarryKimbrough.comRE/MAX Professionals.


AWESOME LISTING PINEHAVEN, WY!Custom five bedroom, three bath home. Open

Floor plan and a three car garage too!Possible trade for home in Gillette $290,000.Get more details and see the virtual tour at

www.HarryKimbrough.com RE/MAXProfessionals 307-680-8251.

NEW LISTING! Come see this beautiful threebedroom, two bath home on five acres locatedminutes out of Moorcroft has a very spacious

floorplan, awesome kitchen and a mastersuite you will love! Value Priced at $194,700

Call 680-8251 for details and view atwww.HarryKimbrough.com RE/MAX


Wright, four bedroom, three bath, 2.5 acres,307-680-9007.


2004 Schultz, 28x60, four bed, two bath, cen-tral air, 307-660-0913.

EXCLUSIVE Land/ home packages avail-able. More residential and acreage subdivi-sion coming soon. 0 down financing with nocontractor loans required. Call Barrett, 689-

3911 or 686-7722 TODAY.

1974 14x70, three bedroom, one bath, fencedyard, small pets ok, set up in park, possible

owner financing, $10,000. 689-7415.

1801 East Warlow Drive. Quiet neighborhood.16x80, three bedrooms, two baths, large

kitchen, skirting, with attachment, spacious,cable TV hookup, washer/ dryer. Excellent

condition. For sale by owner,.$950 rent,$40,000 own. 307-660-6706,660-0902 rented

lot North Side.

16x80, three bedroom, two full baths, fireplace,1990 Bonnevilla on a nice rented lot. Some

financing available. 660-3891.

Beautiful 2008 Liberty doublewide, four bed-room, two bath, $60,000. Call Michele Wanke

at Remax, 299-8351.

2004 Schultz, 28x60, four bed, two bath, cen-tral air, 307-660-0913.

2000 16x80 Champion, new paint in and out,hardwood floors, very nice, 10x12 shed,

$28,000. 307-267-6845.


1,600 acre ranch between U-Cross andClairmont, WY. Call or text email 307-751-



20 Acres plus shop30X70 three phase electric, storage shop,

30X50, three mobile hook-ups,unzoned terms available, $750,000 682-2959

or 680-2333.

14 MILES SOUTH EAST OF GILLETTE!10 acres with power, be one of the last tohave your own well, $68,000/ OBO. 307-


.57 acre lot, behind Sweetheart Bread, readyfor your stick built or modular, $67,000. Call

Michele Wanke at Remax, 299-8351.

Sale or lease: One acre fenced lot, HannumIndustrial Park. Joe, 686-1441, evenings.

Now available. New lots in prestigiousWestern Sky Subdivision. Choose yours

while the selection is at its best. Priced at$49,900. 307-660-7366.


Five acre lots. Stick built or modular homes.Good water, electric and telephones. Close totown, Rozet Ranchettes, 660-7135, 682-5909.


Businesses For Sale. Local Bar, LocalRestaurant and Coffee shop Local construc-tion/ garage door/ storage/ moving company,and a Motel in Moorcroft. All going concerns

and motivated sellers! View atwww.HarryKimbrough.com RE/MAX

Professionals 680-8251.


Nice three bedroom, two 1/2 bath, two cargarage, fenced yard, central air, $1,400.00

month, 307-689-9905.

Two bedroom, 2.5 bath FURNISHED town-home, available 10/1. Attached garage, pet

friendly. Includes all bed linens, towels, dishes,etc. Flat screen TV’s in every room. Washer/dryer included, $1,600/ month. 6-12 month


Super clean three bedroom, 1.5 bath, laundry,one car garage. Available immediately. $1,150/

month, 307-660-6863.Three bedroom home on four acres in the

country with large shop. $1,100/ month. 307-736-2263.

Nice two bedroom condo, pets welcome.Consider rent/ option to buy, $1,000/ month.

307-349-2018, agent owned.

Quiet neighborhood, three bedroom, 1.5 bath,very clean, new carpet and paint, dishwasher,

washer/ dryer, AC, no smoking. Pets nego-tiable with additional deposit. $1,500 per

month, includes heat. $1,500/ deposit. Oneyear lease. 660-5917.

Ranch townhome, three bedroom, central air,gas heat, deck, fireplace. No pets. 696-7829.

Two bedroom, one bath house. Walk to hospi-tal. $1,200 includes utilities. 605-645-9586.

Clean three bedroom, 2-1/2 bath,$1,500 amonth, no pets. Call 660-9023.

Country style, older home. Two bedroom,stove, refrigerator. 18 miles east of

Moorcroft, pets okay, $600/ month. Ivan,307-756-3222.

Three bedroom, two bath, new flooring,fenced yard. 6 Peak Court. No pets. Call


Three bedroom duplex, 1-1/4/ bath, fencedyard, one garage, central A/C, close to

schools, no pets, $975/ month, $900/ deposit.307-689-0202.

Sleepy Hollow, four bedroom, no smoking/pets. One year lease, 1,500/ month plus utilli-

ties. 307-660-9547.

Home for rent three bedroom, 1-1/2 bath. Nextto Sunflower Elementary. Available now. Smalldogs welcome. $850/ month plus one month

deposit and utilities. Also have a room for rentnext door $500 /month all utilities included.

Prices negotiable. E-mail:[emailprotected].

Antelope Valley duplex. Quiet two bedroom,one bath, with garage, $750/ month, electric,

one month deposit. 307-686-3075.

Three bedroom, 2-1/2 bath townhome in NWGillette. Garage, fenced yard, fireplace, unfin-ished basement, gas heat. No pets, no smok-

ing, $1,000/ month. Deposit, referencesrequired. Available immediately. 682-1900.

Four bedroom, two bath, $1,400/ month, cen-tral air. fenced yard. Call Mike, 307-660-6981.

Three bedroom, two bath, split level home,one car garage. $1,400/ month plus utilities.

Located on 7th St. 307-660-4202.

Three, four bedroom, two bath, two cargarage, mail level of house. Central air, deck

and fenced yard. No smoking, no pets, $1,600/month, includes utilities. 299-6885, evenings.

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (6)

Page 6 The Advertiser – September 5, 2012



Michael L. Jones, M.D., F.A.C.O.G.NEW PATIENTS WELCOMESpecializing in complete women's healthcare, including normal and high risk pregnancies, 3-4D Ultrasound, infertility & gynecologic surgery. Expertise with out-patient hysterectomy.

1307 West Third Street • Gillette, WY • (307) 682-4664

GILLETTE REPRODUCTIVE HEALTHBirth Control • Pap Smears • STD Testing & Treatment • Emergency

Contraception • Pregnancy Tests • Breast Exams • Rapid HIV TestingFees on sliding scale • Low Cost Confidential Services • We file insurance

1304 W. 4th Street, Gillette, WY 82716 • 307-682-8110

DAVID A. BECK, M.D.WOMEN'S HEALTHCARE, P.C. Specializing in complete women's healthcare including normal & complicated pregnancies, infertility & gynecological surgery. Expertise with hysteroscopic abalation & vaginal tape procedure for incontinence.

1402 W. 4th St. • Gillette, WY • 307-682-2233




HERITAGE HEALTH CARE CENTERFamily Practice, providing patient care for the whole family. Asthma & allergy testing & treatment for all allergies for the whole family. Hormone Replacement Therapy for women and men.

201 W. Lakeway Rd., Ste.300 (In the Lakeway Professional Center)

(307) 682-4551 • NEW PATIENTS WELCOME!


JOHN K. NAUGLE, A.A.O.M.S., A.B.O.M.S.Practice limited to oral and maxillofacial surgery.

In Gillette Tuesday & Thursday.

805 4-J Rd., Suite A • 307-686-3147 • Toll Free: 800-870-9081


CENTRAL WY UROLOGICAL ASSOC.James B. Haden, M.D. • Todd Hansen, M.D.Now offering appointments for Wednesday clinic in Gillette.Offering Laparoscopic & Robotic procedures.

3100 W. Lakeway, Ste. 1 • 1-800-427-3048


2 GILLETTE LOCATIONS • 106 N. Hwy 14 -16 & 10800 Hwy 59

Shell Food MartWhere convenience doesn’t mean expensive.


Carton ........... PackMarlboro ............. $46.89 ............ $4.93Marlboro 72 ........ $36.83 ............ $3.93Camel .................. $40.22 ............ $4.37Doral .................... $45.89 ............ $4.81Basic ................... $49.99 ............ $5.24Parliament .......... $53.89 ............ $5.63Virgina Slims ...... $54.99 ............ $5.75

Carton.......PackWinston.........................$43.94........$4.74Kool................................$50.39........$5.27Pall Mall (Box Only)........$35.99........$3.88L&M...............................$36.62........$4.09Salem ...........................$50.39........$5.27

*Surgeon General Warning: Cigarette Smoke contains carbon monoxide.

Shell Food Mart Has It All!COMPARE OUR

CIGARETTE PRICES!Stop in for other weekly specials.

2 GILLETTE LOCATIONS • 106 N. Hwy 14 -16 & 10800 Hwy 59


2 Gallonsof Milk$6!


For rent or sale: Two houses on five acres.Two bedroom, one bath with garage plus sep-arate garage and workshop, $1,250/ depositand $1,250/ rent plus utilities. No indoor petsand no smoking. Three bedroom, two bathwith two car garage, $1,250/ deposit and

$1,250/ rent plus utilities. No indoor pets andno smoking. 307-756-3259.

Nice, one bedroom house, downtown area, nopets. 307-682-2289.

Three bedroom, two bath, $1,000, Two bed-room, one bath, $700, 307-689-2296.

Fully furnished, two bedroom, two bath town-home with garage. Washer/ dryer included. No

pets/ smoking, $1,000/ month plus utilities.Call Jordan and Lexi Ostlund, REMAX

Professionals, 689-7448.


Five bedroom, two full bath mobile home.Fenced yard with deck, large lot. Pets wel-

come. 307-686-7130.

Three bedroom, one bath, 14x70, washer/dryer, dishwasher and new carpeting. No pets

or smoking, $750/ month plus utilities anddeposit. Located in Moorcroft. 307-670-1243.

Three bedroom, two bath, 24x60, $900/ monthplus utilities. 660-1150.

Three bedroom deal: $700. 608-212-0056.

RV for rent out in the country, fully furnished.No pets or smoking 307-299-0466.

Three bedroom, two full baths doublewide,fenced in yard, some utilities included. 307-


Moorcroft, newly remodeled three and fourbedrooms, must see to appreciate! Nice stor-

age sheds, new decks. 307-756-2446.

Camper for rent. Utilities paid. Call Jim, 307-680-8542; Carol, 307-680-7885; or office, 307-



NO UTILITYDEPOSITS!! PET FRIENDLY. One bedroomavailable, and washer/ dryer. Utilities includ-

ed. 307-299-3854.

Have four RV’s, fifth-wheels, furnished to rent.307-680-0854, 680-2536.

Moorcroft, totally remodeled three bedroom,two bath, $900 per month plus utilities. 307-


Moorcroft: Three bedroom, two bath, $650/month. No pets, no smoking. 307-680-4536.

In Upton, to rent or rent to own, Three bed-room, two bath, $800/ month. 307-756-2933.

Three bedroom doublewide, two full baths,located on Church Street. Pets welcome. CallJim, 307-680-8542; Carol, 307-680-7885; or

office, 307-682-1885.

Three bedroom trailer. For information call660-5210.

Remodeled five bedroom, three bath,swampcooler, 2,000 sq.ft. $1,300/ month. No smok-

ing. No pets. 307-660-0314.


Two bedroom, one bath, washer/ dryer, inWestover, on golf course. Walking distance topark and Prairie Wind School. $750/ month.


Several two bedroom, one bath apartments forrent. Please call Real Estate Systems of

Gillette Inc. at 307-682-0964 for more details.

619 Trails Circle,Westover. Nice three bedroom, totally new

kitchen, no pets, no smoking. Month to monthlease. 307-686-5000.

Special pricing on select two bedroom, onebathroom apartments. No pets. Please callReal Estate Systems of Gillette Inc for more

information 307-682-0964.

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (7)

September 5, 2012 - The Advertiser Page 7

For more information, call Cindy Borchgrevink at 307.680.7762810 Madison St. • www.wyoga.net


Introductory Special

10 Days

for$20*For fi rst time students only.**Ten consecutive days of classes.

5:15-6:00 am Power Pilates

8:00-9:00 am All Levels


9:00-10:00 am Senior Yogaat Senior Center

12:10-12:50 pm Lunch Break


5:20-6:20 pm Hatha Yoga

6:30-8:00 pm Power Yoga

5:15-6:15 am All Levels


10:00-11:00 am Stress


12:10-12:50 pm Power Pilates

4:25-5:25 pm Flow


5:35-6:35 pm Power Pilates

5:15-6:00 am Power Pilates

8:00-9:00 am All Levels


9:00-10:00 am Senior Yoga

at Senior Center

12:10-12:50 pm Lunch Break


5:30-6:45 pm All Levels


7:00-8:15 pm Hot Yoga

5:15-6:15 am Energizing Yoga Flow

8:00-8:45 am Power Pilates

10:00-11:00 am Stress


4:25-5:25 pm Flow


5:35-6:35 pm Power Pilates

5:15-6:00 am Power Pilates

9:00-10:00 am Senior Yoga

at Senior Center

12:10-12:50 pm Lunch Break


5:30-6:45 pm Hot Yoga

8:00-9:15 am All Levels



Qigong w/ Janene

6:30-7:30 pm7:30-8:00 pm MeditationDates TBA

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Saturday, Sept. 8 at 10 a.m.AUCTION


$800 per month, includes utilities. Allows smallpets. Two bedroom, one bath apartments.

Please call Real Estate Systems of Gillette Incat 307-682-0964 for more information.

Westover, very nice three bedroom, $750/month, $750/ deposit. Wood stove. Patio. No

pets. Six month lease. 686-0705.

Moorcroft. Two bedroom duplex, $550/ month.No pets, no smoking. 680-4536.

Available now: Two and three bedroom apart-ments, rents vary. Agent owned, 307-349-


For rent: Basement apartment, shared entryand laundry. No stove. $445. Looking for shift

worker. 660-9907.

$700. Very nice three bedroom in quiet four-plex, $700 deposit. No pets, six month lease.


West Hills Loop, three bedroom, 2-1/2 bathtownhome with one car garage, $1,150/ monthSome pets okay. Call Josh McGrath, 680-5064

at ERA Boardwalk Real Estate Inc.

Furnished one bedroom, clean, well main-tained, close to courthouse. Month to month

lease now possible. 299-5436.

One bedroom apartment, $500 plus utilities,No pets and no smoking. 660-9035.

Three bedroom, $750 monthly, utilities includ-ed. 307-620-2167.

One, two and three bedroom apartments avail-able. Call Highland Property Management tosee if you are income qualified. 685-8066,


Nice one bedroom, one bath, basement forrent in nice townhome, $350/ month/ $350

deposit. 605-770-2996.

Fully furnished, very large three bedroomwith garage, very nice. Washer/ dryer. Nopets, no smoking. 680-0229 or 687-2091.


$600. Two bedroom, quiet four-plex, no pets,$600 deposit, six month lease. 686-0705.

One bedroom apartment for as low as $475 amonth. No pets. Please call Real Estate

Systems of Gillette Inc at 307-682-0964 forinformation.

Spacious two bedroom townhouse, basement,garage, no pets, Westover. 680-2330.

Warlow Drive Apartments, 1720 W. Warlow Dr.One, two, and three bedroom studio apart-

ments available. Utilities included. Clean, newwindows, laundry facilities, playground and

much more. Remodel complete. Office hours:9:00 am to 4:00 pm. Call 682-5041 for more


Large two bedroom, one bath, AC, no pets,storage area, 7’x10’, $650/ month, $650/

deposit. 687-1474.


Room for rent, furnished, washer/ dryer, $450.680-0175.

Room in my home, quiet neighborhood. 680-4473.

Furnished room, share house, utilities and wi-fi, $450/ month. 307-689-2881.

Furnished rooms, starting at $150/ week. 307-756-2431.

Low weekly ratesavailable at the Super 8 Motel. 307-682-


Room! $300. 608-212-0056.


RV space. For information call 307-660-5210.

Private camper lot, $380 includes utilities. 682-5819.


FOOTHILLS MOBILE HOME PARK, conve-niently located family mobile home park.

Single or doublewide spaces. Two months freerent for newly approved applicants. 307-682-


All Seasons RV Park. Country living closeto town, open year round. Shower and laun-

dry facilities. Full hook ups. Free WiFi.Spacious lots. 307-686-2552.

Large pet friendly RV Lots for rent inGillette. $425.per month, includes water,

sewer, trash and storage shed. CallCarolanne Clark with Home Team

Associates, 689-0486 or 687-7070.

RV spot, utilities paid. Most pets okay, $375.680-6274.

RV and camper trailer spaces. All utilitiesincluded, $350/ month. 680-0825, 682-7389.

Lot available in Lex Court for singlewide. Call660-7135.

Camper space available, Rolling Hills MobileHome Park. Water furnished. In City limits.



Five office, conference room, BoxelderBusiness Center, 689-5551.

Individual offices,(150 sq.-ft. to 200 sq.-ft.), office suite (1,350sq.-ft.), excellent downtown office building

location. 686-6347, ask for Mike.

1,500-sq.-ft., six offices with reception,great location and parking, 101 Kendrick.

660-1964or 682-1500.


1,500 square feet of office space in CamelPlaza, available Immediately. Please call RealEstate Systems of Gillette Inc 307-682-0964.

Close to hospital and Senior Citizen Center.Office consists of 12 or 13 offices and 3-1/2

baths. Nice area with good parking. 689-6565.


AA Fenced Storage, 12x40, 1307 SouthernDrive. 307-257-2047.


10x20 storage units and 12x40 RV, boat spots.Antelope Butte Storage LLC, 685-8178.

Beacon Self Storage, 686-9729. New units.1375 Southern Drive.

Southern Drive SelfStorage. Located 1/2 mile West of Highway 59

on Southern Drive. 307-685-2888.www.gillettestorage.com.


Share four bedroom house, $600/ month,680-5625.

$350 per month plus half utilities. Private bed-room, washer/ dryer, plus deposit. 299-0263.


2,200-sq.ft. shop with two 14’ overhead doors.307-689-7500.

Large shop, $700/ month. 686-1659 or 660-8506, call after 5pm.

Shop for rent, 1801 Echeta Road. Call 307-299-6029 or 307-689-9580 for


One 30x28 shop for rent.307-680-2405.

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (8)

Page 8 The Advertiser – September 5, 2012

SPACIOUS NEW LOCATIONRefreshments, door prizes

& specials

1103 E. Boxelder Road, Suite N (Behind Applebees)687-3133 • Hrs: Monday-Friday 9 am-6 pm • Saturday 10 am-5 pm

You are invitedYou are invited

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Harvest Open House!

Harvest Open House!

A Prairie DawnA Prairie Dawnatatto ourto our

Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Sept. 5, 6, 7 • 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 8 • 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.

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Do you have back or neck pain?Feeling Tired? • Lots of stress?Looking for a professional & certified massage therapist?

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Available NOW 3 Bedroom, 2 Bath, Single section home. You must set up in CMHP, Wright.

Monthly Payment as low as $238/month with approved credit.

Call Today For Details



24x76 shop and some yard space. $1,500/month. Call Jim, 307-680-8542; office, 307-


40’x60’ shop, office and bath, two 14’ over-head doors, three phase, on an acre lot. 682-

5909 or 660-7135.

1,200 sq. ft. shop, three phase power, 10x12overhead door, 14-ft. ceiling, natural gas heat,

$900/ month, $900/ deposit with one yearlease. 307-299-3313.

Single bay shop, restroom, gas heat, 12’ OHD.660-0806.

2000 sq.-ft. warehouse/ shop. Heated, 12x12overhead door, restroom. 307-682-0546.


Beautiful oak entertainment center, up to 32”TV, $300. 680-7097 or 682-2357.


Side-by-side refrigerator, $100. 689-0375.


Beautiful antique dressers, two mirrored andone high boy, wash stand, high chair, all rea-

sonably priced, 682-9111.

American Radio. Antique clock repairs andsales. 685-1408.


FIRE WOOD.Wally Wood

Pine - cut and split. Free saw dustAladdin, WY


Taking firewood orders. Delivered. Pinelengths, $100/ chord. Cut, $125. Split, $175/

chord. Oak, $225/ chord. 307-391-1145.


Remington 700 SPS, 300 Winmag with scope,$800. 660-6835.

GUN SHOW: September 15th, 9a.m.-5p.m.;September 16th, 9a.m.-3p.m., Rushmore

Plaza Civic Center, Rapid City, SD. Admission-$4 daily. For information call 605-209-1166.

Gillette Gun Club, annual meeting will beSeptember 11, at the club house at 7:30 pm,not August 14th as the news letter had said.

ATTENTION OUTFITTERS. Hunting groundfor lease. 307-680-2252.

Baker Hughes Oil and Gas Benefit Blast,September 8, Gillette Gun Club. An event foroil and gas employees only and employees ofoil and gas vendors. A one day event. Entry

forms available at the club on Monday-Thursday from 12pm-6pm.


PSC compound bow, eight arrows, ready forhunting season. $200. 307-682-8526.

042 PETS

Forever Faithful Pet Crematory, Gillette,WY. Corinne, 660-1134; Rita, 680-0316.

Rottweiler puppy, male, $350. 660-1423

Two male lionhead rabbits, $25 each. 257-0761.

AKC Yorkshire puppies 605-787-6821.www.dicksonpups.com

Free Kittens, five orange, one black, two grey,tiger striped. call 686-5151.

Registered Yorkshire puppies, first shots,dewormed, ready to go, $500. Call 307-257-


Journey's Dog Walking & Pet Sitting CALLMichele, 680-5336

Male puppies, first shots. $250, 307-621-0777.


Quarterhorse Filly, three years old, excellentbreeding, started, 15 hands, papered, not reg-istered. Gray/ blue color. Call 307-682-6810,


Interested in buying or hauling unwanted hors-es. 307-696-3985

Free Llamas, fun, easy keepers. 307-756-2071.

Want to buy goats, all types and sizes forweed management. Call 307-696-3985.

Quarterhorse gelding, 15 years old, 14.2hands, grade, sorrel colored, mountain horse

Call 307-682-6810, 307-680-3709.

Two black Arabians, well broke, best offer.605-645-1691, 605-645-1689.

Two Boer meat goats, seven months, wethers.307-283-1245 or 307-660-1594.

Older 16 hand gelding, broke to ride. $800/OBO. 257-0761.

Goats for sale, males/ females. 307-687-0111.

Guinea babies, 2-3 weeks old, $7.50 each.660-6161.


John Deere “B” restored, $3,200, 1946 JohnDeere “A” unrestored, $700, 1950 Farmall “H”

restored, $2,700, Farmall Cub restored,$2,500, 605-723-1092.

New and used skidsteer attachments, 307-685-6311.

Fire and weed spray units, 307-660-8563.

045 FEED & HAY

Second cutting alfalfa/ hay, alfalfa/ grass mixalso, straight grass, big rounds or big squares,

cash only. 307-746-5319, Newcastle.


Steel buildings.Complete for assembly.

Ex 24x24, reg $6,678, disc $5,640 (quantity 1)48x96 reg $32,470, disc. $27,057 (quantity 2).

Call for others,Source#10N,



TOOL AND EQUIPMENT AUCTION,Wednesday, September 19th, 9:30am, Gillette,WY. 1.5 miles north of Wyodak. Pickups, stor-age trailer, flat-bed trailers, trucks, tractors, tel-escopic forklift, new lumber, recreational vehi-

cles, fencing supplies, and much more.www.mcphersonauction.com.


Want to buy any campers for cash. Call 680-0854.

Will pay cash for single or doublewide mobilehomes. 680-0854.


Herbs, $1 to $5. Many varieties. Renew. 623Commercial. 686-2125.

8x12 shed, $1,100. 307-756-3314.CNC router/ engraver with computer, $1,200/

OBO. 307-660-7711.


Businesses For Sale. Local Bar, Local


Restaurant and Coffee shop Local construc-tion/ garage door/ storage/ moving company,and a Motel in Moorcroft. All going concerns

and motivated sellers! View atwww.HarryKimbrough.com RE/MAX

Professionals 680-8251.


Bright Beginnings Day Care taking enrollmentfor fall Full time only. Ages two-five. All chil-dren receive play based developmental pre-

school.4005 Tepee, 686-2495.

Licensed childcare openings, all ages. Call660-1476.

Licensed daycare. 680-5661.

Sharing, and caring childcare openings avail-able. 307-363-3680.

Licensed daycare, $22 daily. Michelle, 682-7313.

Childcare in my home. Several openings avail-able. 35 years experience, ages newborn

through 10. Reasonable rates. 307-257-1859.

Babysitting in my home. Friday, Saturday,Sunday, Monday, 6am-8pm and overnight.

Jackie, 307-257-1153.

Kids Club Daycare, a licensed homedaycare, has full-time openings. Please

call Erica at 680-0665.

Tammy’s Daycare/Preschool, licensed. 686-7158.


Tree Trimming, removal, stump grinding. Wewill haul off your scrap metal or vehicles. Tree

Trimmers, 689-2068.

Andy’s Lawn Maintenance. Mowing, trimmingand weeding. 660-1942.

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (9)

September 5, 2012 - The Advertiser Page 9


WEDNESDAYMOMMY AND ME, 1-2 p.m., AVA Community Art Center. Call 682-9133. Fee is $15.OPEN-PLAY GAMING, 1-4 p.m., Campbell County Public Library. GRADE SCHOOL DRAWING, 4-5 p.m., AVA Community Art Center. Call 682-9133. Fee is $12.50.

THURSDAYHOMESCHOOL ART, 2-3:30 p.m., AVA Community Art Center. Call 682-9133. Fee is $12.50.GRADE SCHOOL KIDS CLUB, 4-5 p.m., AVA Community Art Center. Call 682-9133. Fee is $15.BOY SCOUTS RECRUITMENT NIGHT, 7 p.m., Price of Peace Lutheran Church. Call 696-0029 or 257-2136.

FRIDAYLITTLE TIKES, 10-11 a.m., AVA Community Art Center. Call 682-9133. Fee is $7.OPEN-PLAY GAMING, 1-4 p.m., Campbell County Public Library. UP IN ARMS GUN SHOW AND FLEA MARKET, 3-7 p.m., Cam-plex Central Pavilion.

UNCORKED, 7-9 p.m., AVA Community Art Center. Call 682-9133. Fee is $35. Must be 21 years of age to attend.

SATURDAYCARE TO CURE HD 5K RUN/WALK, 7 a.m., Campbell County Recreation Center. Call 682-5362. FARMER’S MARKET, 8 a.m. to noon, Gillette College Technical Education Center parking lot. PARKING LOT BAZAAR, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Zip Thru Shipping/Healing is Believing, 400 W. Second St. Call 680-0363. UP IN ARMS GUN SHOW AND FLEA MARKET, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., Cam-plex Central Pavilion. JEHOVAH’S WITNESSES ASSEMBLY, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Cam-plex Heritage Center. WYOMING LICENSE PLATE CONVENTION, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Wyoming Center Spirit Hall at Cam-plex. WII SATURDAY, 1-4 p.m., Campbell County Public Library tween room. For fourth through sixth grades. OPEN-PLAY GAMING, 1-4 p.m., Campbell County Public Library. QUICK DRAW AND ART AUCTION, 6 p.m., Fire Hall in Moorcroft. Call 307-

756-9300 for tickets.

SUNDAYJEHOVAH’S WITNESSES ASSEMBLY, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Cam-plex Heritage Center. UP IN ARMS GUN SHOW AND FLEA MARKET, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Cam-plex Central Pavilion.

MONDAYINTRODUCTION TO PHOTOGRAPHY FOR KIDS, 4-5 p.m., AVA Community Art Center. Call 682-9133. Fee is $15.DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AWARENESS, 6:30-8:30 p.m., GARF. Call 686-8071 to sign up.

TUESDAYGIRL SCOUT INFORMATION NIGHT, 5-6:30 p.m., Campbell County Library. LEVIS AND LACE SQUARE DANCE CHILI SUPPER, 6:30 p.m., Rockpile Community Center. Call 686-0417 or 686-6318.

Editor’s note: This calendar is a daily feature of the Gillette News Record. Individuals or groups involved in any public activity may submit items to be listed. To submit an item, send a press release at least a week in advance to The News Record, P.O. Box 3006, Gillette WY 82717-3006, e-mail it to [emailprotected] or bring it to the office at 1201 W. Second St.

Advertise Your Business Here!Advertise Your Business Here!Be the Weekly Community Calendar of Events Sponsor Be the Weekly Community Calendar of Events Sponsor

Rates are as follows: Rates are as follows:$25 - 1x3 Spot • $45 - 2x3 Spot (All spots are full color spots).$25 - 1x3 Spot • $45 - 2x3 Spot (All spots are full color spots).

Call your advertising representative today Call your advertising representative today at 682-9306, Ext. 4 or email: [emailprotected] 682-9306, Ext. 4 or email: [emailprotected]

Store 1485 • 2300 S. Douglas Hwy., Gillette, WY


Back to School Costs Less at



Landscapes by Holcomb. Trees, shrubs,mulch, rock and compost. 3405 Southern

Drive, 685-1321.


commercial and Homeowner’sAssociation.



MS.CLEAN. Full services. Packing, cleaning,shampooing. Quick, thorough, great rates.Residential, move-outs. Insured. 307-689-


Clean-4-U. References available. 307-299-8882.


Home ManagementServices. Professional residential, commercialand construction cleaning. Reasonable rates.


Housekeeping, excellent rates, references.307-622-0880.


KRAFTMAID cabinet sale, 60% off untilAugust 29, free delivery, measuring, design,installation available, The Remodel Shop,

Steve Shurtz, [emailprotected].

Brad’s Top QualityFencing, 307-299-5943 or 307-682-0155.


J&J Plumbing, remodel, repair, residential,commercial, water heaters, sewer and draincleaning. We delime tankless water heaters.


Father and Sons Construction, yard,landscaping, concrete paving, curbing,painting and clean-up. 687-0111, 670-


Rick OldaughConstruction.

Roofing and siding. Garages, pole build-ings and wood basements. Remodelingand additions. Thirty years experience.


On The Level Construction, LLC. Kitchen, bathand remodel specialists. 307-689-8637.



Water and fire damage, insurance claims.Interior specialist. Sheetrock, trim, staining,

texture, insulation, decks, finished basements/garages, doors, exterior. Wood fence recondi-

tioning. Experience since 1979. ExpedientProfessional Service. Steve Pardington, 307-

670-3384. References.

Gunderson Painting.31 years experience, great rates. 680-6865.

Buchanan Excavating. Basements, sep-tic, driveways, grading, concrete and

much more. Licensed and insured. 307-670-8335, 307-660-1508, Chad.

Urban Concrete, 660-6436.

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (10)

Page 10 The Advertiser – September 5, 2012

Coupn Pg.


SIDING. Specializing in steel and vinylapplication. Soffit and fascia, window anddoor replacement. New and old construc-

tion. 15 years of local experience. Contact Jason at Miller Exteriors, 685-0434.

Concrete lifting.Repair rather than replace.


Call Wyoming Gutter Service at 682-6607 tomeet your residential and commercial rain

gutter needs. Variety of colors available, fiveinch aluminum and six inch steel, seamless.

Free estimates. Excellent workmanship, guaranteed and reliable.



Free estimates.Call 307-299-5943 or 307-682-0155.

Excavation, building sites, shop pads,water lines, septics, rough / final grading,

concrete. Exceptional history of customer service, eight years of excellent local service. Custom Contracting, LLC,



Forklift, 6,000-lb., 12’ lift, $5,000/ OBO. 680-6859.


DJ and Karaoke services. And clowns. CallJust Clowning Around. 682-3394.

Complete moving service. Call We’ll Clean ItUp. 682-3394.

2 Guys 1 Truck, moving and hauling, no jobtoo big or too small, junk removal. 307-274-


AIR DUCT CLEANING.Chimney sweep services, dryer vents. Call


Home Repair and Handyman, window andsiding replacement. 30+ years experience.Call David, 307-686-4038 or 843-789-0278.

We will haul off unwanted, unsold garagesale items, vehicles, furniture, scrap metal,

etc. 307-689-2068.


SMALL TRACTOR ETC. Mowing, tilling,loader, rear blade. 689-0747.

Need something hauled away. Call We’ll Clean it Up. 682-3394.


ADOPT: Executive and future stay at homeparent promise first baby LOVE, travel, laugh-

ter, extended family. Expenses paid. 1-800-362-7842.

Book your WEDDING OF THE CENTURYfor 12/12/12 with Rev. Faith of www.black-

hillsweddingchapel.com. The ceremonyprice is all inclusive,.$1,212.12. Reserve bySept. 15, 2012 to be entered in the drawing

valued at $121.21. 605-722-4419.

September 5, 2012 - The Advertiser Page 11

Coupon Page


Western memorabilia, bits, spurs, NativeAmerican, tack and more!

Sunday, September 16, 2012, 10 a.m. PreviewSaturday noon – 5 p.m. RLP

Auctions. Hamilton, MT. 406-369-2640.www.RLPAuctions.net


featuring authors Pat Frolander, LindaHasselstrom, Zak Pullen, Cat Urbigkit, BrianTurner, Luis Carlos Montalván, Alyson Hagy,David Romtvedt, Rebecca O'Connor, Renée

d'Aoust, and others.September 14-15, 2012. Visit www.equalitys-

tatebookfest.com or call307-268-2639 for times, locations, and addi-


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crews available. 1-800-658-5565.OVER 403,000 WYOMING PEOPLE will readyour classified ad if you place it in WYCAN.

Sell, buy, announce. $135 for 25 words.Contact this newspaper for details.


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, WY




O. 1


Northeastern Wyoming

Hunting guide 2012

Brought to you by Gillette News Record


✳ Antelope, deer, elk season outlooks for all of northeastern Wyoming

✳ Maps, harvest update charts and area-by-area big-game highlights

✳ Licenses, stamp requirements, where you can hunt and walk-in areas

✳ Photos of hunters and the big game they bagged last season

✳ Game processing, hearts for raptors, the top 10 hunting violations and more See it online at


Your guide to hunting in northeastern Wyoming.

“O-SO-SPECIAL” Blood Donors NeededIt’s a fact: our emergency rooms are using more and more type-O blood each year.

That’s because type-O negative blood can be transfused to patients with other blood types. In many emergency situations, hospitals must use type-O blood until the patient is stabilized and blood type is determined.

United Blood Services, the area’s nonpro t community blood provider, is particularly concerned about attracting new donors with type-O blood and giving current type-O donors opportunities to donate three or four times a year. According to Beth-Anne Ferley, Donor Recruitment Director of United Blood Services, transfusions of certain types do not always match the percentage of people in the population who have that type. “And that’s where the special type-O donors play an important role,” she said. “They are kind of like everything to everybody!”

If you are an old O donor who hasn’t given in a while, or a new donor who would like to try it for the rst time, United Blood Services encourages you to come to a blood drive in your area. Don’t know your blood type? “You can easily nd it out,” said Beth-Anne. “Once you’ve made your donation, you can log in to www.bloodhero.com and learn your blood type, along with other health information like the free cholesterol reading you’ll receive when you donate. You might just be one of those oh-so-special O’s.”

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Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (11)

Page 12 The Advertiser – September 5, 2012



WednesdaySunny75 / 51


Gillette Advertiser Weather Report

Last Week’s Almanac & Growing Degree Days

Sun/Moon Chart

StarWatch By Gary Becker - Calendar Maker

Peak Fishing/Hunting Times

Moonset11:52 a.m.12:49 p.m.1:44 p.m.2:34 p.m.3:20 p.m.4:02 p.m.4:38 p.m.


Weather Trivia

Sunset7:30 p.m.7:28 p.m.7:27 p.m.7:25 p.m.7:23 p.m.7:21 p.m.7:19 p.m.

Sunrise6:30 a.m.6:31 a.m.6:32 a.m.6:33 a.m.6:34 a.m.6:36 a.m.6:37 a.m.


Moonrise9:46 p.m.

10:24 p.m.11:07 p.m.11:55 p.m.

No Rise12:50 a.m.1:49 a.m.

Gillette’s Five Day Forecast

SundaySunny79 / 51

SaturdayMostly Sunny

78 / 54

FridayPartly Cloudy

75 / 51

ThursdaySunny77 / 52

Today’s Local UV Index






Did Columbus encounter anyhurricanes? ?Answer: Yes, records indicate that he didencounter hurricanes during his voyages.

Peak TimesDay AM PMWed 2:14-4:14 2:44-4:44Thu 3:01-5:01 3:31-5:31Fri 3:48-5:48 4:18-6:18Sat 4:36-6:36 5:06-7:06

Peak TimesDay AM PMSun 5:25-7:25 5:55-7:55Mon 6:15-8:15 6:45-8:45Tue 7:04-9:04 7:34-9:34


3 50 - 2 4 6 8 107 9 11+

0-2: Low, 3-5: Moderate,6-7: High, 8-10: Very High

11+: Extreme Exposure

Farmer’s Growing Degree DaysDate Degree Days8/24 268/25 128/26 148/27 30

Date Degree Days8/28 288/29 328/30 22

Growing degree days are calculated by taking the average temperaturefor the day and subtracting the base temperature (50 degrees) from theaverage to assess how many growing days are attained.

What if all civilization as we knew it came to an abrupt end? No electricity! No computers! NoWegman’s! No Government! After an initial period of chaos in which probably most of us wouldperish, the survivors would have to get down to the basics: food, shelter, and clothing. I could,at first, imagine close-knit gangs of people roaming the countryside in a hunting and gatheringkind of mode. Hopefully, someone would eventually consider farming. That activity would fos-

ter the beginning of some type of reorganization. It would necessitate the formulation of a calendar, and that cal-endar would ultimately be based upon astronomy. Such a calendar might involve marking the sun’s changing posi-tion along the horizon at sunrise or sunset, or measuring shadow lengths cast by the sun at noon when they are attheir shortest for the day. The observations would involve a keen sense of scrutiny and the ability of the viewer tonote the rhythmic cycles of the seasons, not based upon the vagaries of the weather, but upon the consistent andpredictable aspects of celestial motions. Eventually, a calendar would emerge, and through trial and error, planti-ng and harvesting cycles would be reestablished. During the next few weeks we have one of the best chances dur-ing the year to become sun watchers and see these changes firsthand. If you have a clean shot at sunrise or sunsetfrom a window in your apartment or home, mentally note the sun’s position with respect to foreground and back-ground objects on the next clear day. Revisit your observation about one week later. You’ll be amazed at thechange. In a year’s time the sun will come galloping back to repeat the same rise position of a year before.Suddenly you will have become a calendar maker. www.astronomy.org

1206 S. Douglas Hwy. 682-4468

www.fcagillette.com M-F 6a-7p Sat. 6a-5p Sun. 10a-4p

GOT MILK?We now carry


This Month in HistorySeptember 6 - 1915 - The fi rst tank, dubbed “Little Willie,” was manufactured in England, weighing in at 14 tons and able to travel at only two miles per hour.1920 - In the fi rst boxing match broadcast on radio, Jack Dempsey knocked out Billy Miske in the third round of a scheduled ten-round fi ght.1955 - The fi rst adult Western, “Wyatt Earp” premiered on television.1991 - After being known as Leningrad for 67 years, Russia’s second largest city had the name Saint Petersburg restored.September 7 - 1921 - The fi rst Miss America pageant was held in Atlantic City, NJ.1936 - American popular music performer, composer, and bandleader Buddy Holly was born in Lubbock, Texas.1967 - The television show, “The Flying Nun,” premiered on television.1998 - Google, the internet search engine, was incorporated as a company by Sergey Brin and Larry Page in Menlo Park, California.September 8 - 1900 - The worst disaster in U.S. history occurred as a hurricane hit Galveston, Texas, killing more than 8000 people.1921 - The fi rst Miss America, Margaret Gorman of Washington, D.C., was crowned in Atlantic City, New Jersey.1966 - Star Trek premiered on television.1974 - Richard Nixon was unconditionally pardoned by Gerald Ford.September 9 - 1828 - Leo Tolstoy, author of “War and Peace,” was born in Tula Province, Russia.1850 - California became the 31st U.S. state.1956 - Ed Sullivan hosted the fi rst appearance of Elvis Presley on television.1976 - Chinese revolutionary leader Mao Tse-tung died in Beijing.September 10 - 1736 - Carter Braxton, American revolutionary statesman and signer of the Declaration of Independence, was born in Newington, Virginia.1955 - “Gunsmoke,” TV’s longest-running Western, premiered on television.1993 - FOX premiered the “X-Files,” starring David Duchovny and Gillian Anderson.September 11 - 1959 - For the fi rst time, Congress passed a bill to give low income Americans food stamps.1967 - “The Carol Burnett Show” premiered on television.2001 - Over 3000 people were killed in the worst terrorist attack in U.S. history when four planes were hijacked and crashed into the World Trade Center towers in New York City, into the Pentagon, and in a fi eld in Pennsylvania.September 12 - 1913 - Jesse Owens, American Olympic champion, was born in Oakville, Alabama.1943 - John F. Kennedy married Jacqueline Bouvier in Newport, Rhode Island.1954 - “Lassie” premiered on television.September 13 - 1788 - The U.S. capital was established in New York City, before being moved back to Philadelphia for ten years and then permanently moved to Washington, D.C.1916 - Roald Dahl, author of “Charlie and the Chocolate Factory” and “James and the Giant Peach,” was born in Llandaff, South Wales, Great Britain.1990 - “Law & Order” premiered on television.September 14 - 1814 - “The Star Spangled Banner” was composed by Francis Scott-Key.1901 - President William McKinley died eight days after being shot in Buffalo, New York.1972 - “The Waltons” premiered on television.

910 North Gurley Ave.Gillette, WY(307) 686-6404

GILLETTE’SHometown Buffet

Lunch Buffet Monday-Friday

11:00 AM – 2:00 PM


ALL YOU CAN EAT Lunch BuffetIncludes: Full Salad Bar, Homemade Soups,

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4:30 PM – 9:00 PM


ALL YOU CAN EAT Prime Time BuffetIncludes: Carved Prime Rib, Peel & Eat Shrimp, Large Variety of Hot Entrées and Side Dishes, Full Salad Bar, Homemade

Soups and Dessert Bar.

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (12)

September 5, 2012 - The Advertiser Page 13

Get tickets at 1-800-344-8826 or www.deadwoodjam.com

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JoAnn Eddy’s Bridal Boutique1007 CHICKASAW - GILLETTE, WY 82716

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Sudoku Solution

© 2012. Feature Exchange


1. Beat around the bush 9. Gave out14. Three before seven (2 wds)15. Electrical conductor

connecting several circuits 16. Something causing a

response 17. Protect, in a way18. Defensive spray19. Shuts 20. More calm23. Clothes drying frames 24. Hair piece?25. Boastful remark27. Raccoon cousin28. Congers29. Feline pet32. Bromo ingredient34. Bar37. “The Matrix” hero38. Long, long time40. Bambino watcher

41. Abalone 43. More bloodshed 44. Sacred beetle of ancient

Egypt47. Algonquian language, e.g. 49. Japanese fl oor covering50. Fill51. Like some humor52. Not constant 57. Extends58. Achieve again 59. Eye sores60. Ballpark fi gure


1. ___ de deux2. “A jealous mistress”: Emerson3. “Fantasy Island” prop4. Cap5. Promoting religious unity 6. Medieval French hero 7. Bring out

8. Have coming9. Sandpiper 10. Accompany to a party11. Belittle12. ___-guided bomb13. Amount of hair15. Since 20. Backgammon piece21. Muse of lyric poetry22. Calculated pro ___24. Computer picture26. “___ for the poor”28. Halftime lead, e.g.29. Curry ingredient 30. Holding one’s piece31. Rip33. Verses written in short-long

metrical feet 35. Cupids 36. Hindu woman’s dress39. Kind of mark41. California county42. Flaxlike fi bers used for

making fabrics 43. Suggests (2 wds) 44. Mixes up45. 200 milligrams46. Abnormal muscle relaxation 48. Bison features53. Store convenience, for short54. Bleat55. On, as a lamp56. Charlotte-to-Raleigh dir.

Home Safe Home We all expect to be safe in our homes. But sometimes that is easier said than done.

Take these simple precautions to keep yourself and your loved ones safe.

Childproof Your Home

If you have children, you probably already realize the importance of this. Even if you don’t have small children yourself, you should still take some simple steps to makeyour home safe for any children who may visit you. Use inexpensive outlet covers onall exposed electrical outlets. Keep all medications, cleaning chemicals, and poisonoussubstances out of the reach of children.

Lock Your Doors & Windows

Although it seems self-evident, always lock your doors and windows when youleave. It can be easy to forget to shut and lock windows and doors, especially duringwarmer weather. Take this extra step every time you leave. You should also ensure that your outdoor lighting is functional and adequate. If you have darkened areas in the front or back of your home, replace any faulty lighting and upgrade your existing lighting to provide suffi cient light for safety.

Check for Hidden Hazards

Do a monthly safety check of your home. Look for electrical cords that are frayed or worn and replace them. Do not allow electrical cords to be placed in areas where they could be tripped over. Make sure any stair railings leading to your home are secure. Use rubber bath mats in your shower or bathtub to prevent falling.

Check Your Smoke Detector

Twice a year, replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors. A good way to remember this is to change the batteries when Daylight Savings Time begins and ends. If you ever remove the batteries for any reason, remember to replace them as soon as possible. If your detectors are wired to your home’s electrical system instead of using batteries, do a manual check of your detectors several times a year.

Kids, Read This!It’s back to school time again. To help you stay safe and healthy, don’t forget these important tips.

- Work with your parents to plan the safest route to school. Stay away from parks, vacant lots, and other places where there aren’t many people around.

- Choose a buddy to walk to bike with—a brother or sister, a friend, or a neighbor.

- Know your phone number, address, and emergency numbers.

- Don’t talk to strangers. A stranger is simply anyone who you don’t know or trust. Never accept a ride or gifts from a stranger.

- If you must be home alone, check in with a parent or neighbor as soon as possible. Get permission fi rst to do other things like playing with friends.

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (13)

Page 14 The Advertiser – September 5, 2012

2 & 3 Bedroom TownhomesAttached Garage

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Over 20 years of experience building quality post frame

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SudokuThe challenge is to fill every row across, every column down, and every3x3 box with the digits 1 through 9. Each 1 through 9 digit must appearonly once in each row across, each column down, and each 3x3 box.

© 2012. Feature Exchange

Look for solution in this issue.

SEARCHJobClassified ad? Call Gillette Advertiser 682-9306,Ext.0 / [emailprotected]


M & N Equipment. Field Mechanic. Are youmechanically inclined? We need a full-timeField Mechanic at our Watford City, ND location.Must be proficient with repairs to semi trucks,pick-up trucks, loaders, manlifts, telehandlers,light towers, thermodyne and maxi heaters.Applicant must work flexible hours and havegoodproblem solving skills. Available to work nights,weekends, some holidays.Positive attitude and professional manner withco-workers and customers. Benefits includehealth, dental, vision, life insurance, 401K withcompany match, vacation, sick, paid holidays.Send resume to: email [emailprotected] orfax 307-537-5005.

National Construction Company seeks aRegional Mining Manager for above groundoperations in Arizona. Projects can include

various types of mining. This position will beresponsible for the administration and comple-tion of complex projects; meeting deadlines ina safe and profitable manner. Besides beingresponsible for multiple projects, this positionwill be accountable for developing a strong

team environment, establishing and maintain-ing customer relationships and developing a

strong company presence in the region.Responsibilities: Mentor and supervise staff.

Hiring, discipline and/ or termination decisions.Monitor equipment, material and people

resources. Manage costs and cost forecasts.Manage contract negotiations and change

order executions. Manage billing and paymentprocess.

Oversee administrative operations and ensureprocesses align with company requirements.

Requirements: Four year degree inConstruction Management or Engineering and10+ years of experience or equivalent combi-

nations of training and experience. Experiencemanaging mining projects in the range of $1mto $10m. Experience with federal mining regu-

lations and supporting documentation.Thorough knowledge of contract documentsand negotiations. Proven management, busi-

ness development and leadership skills.Timberline software experience. Knowledge ofprofit and loss, project budgeting and schedul-

ing.Please submit resume/ work history and refer-

ences. Fax to 303-531-0721Background/ drug screen/ MVR required


Two full-time sales positions available in a wellestablished local business. Must have previous

experience, clean driving record, and goodcustomer relations. Please apply in person at

Ryan Sanitation, 3000 N. Hwy. 14-16.


Delivery drivers. Hourly plus $1.50 deliveryplus tips. Daytime counter people. Apply at

Godfather’s Pizza.

Immediate Openings housekeeping,Experience preferred. Top wages. Apply

in person at Motel 6.

Western Waste Solutions is in need of oneadditional driver. Must have CDL and one year

experience of driving minimum. Good cus-tomer service background. For interviews call


Hiring experienced field service tech Apply atwww.arnoldhiring.com

Call 307-686-7536 for more information.

Home Management Services is hiring cleaningprofessionals, 307-660-5686 or


DRIVERS NEEDED. No experience required.CDL in just weeks. Job placement assistanceupon graduation. START A NEW DAY AND A

NEW CAREER. Call Mountain West CDLSchool today Funding and financing are avail-

able 307-299-7638.

Tender Care, In-home and Respite Services isnow hiring part-time, experienced caregivers

for our elderly and disabled clients. A variety ofshifts are available. You must be able to passa background check and drug testing. If youare a compassionate, hard worker and enjoy

caring for others, please call 660-2895.

Concrete crew member. Must have valid driv-ers license and own transportation. Experience

preferred. 660-5020.

M & N Equipment. Field Sales Associate.Dynamic sales person needed for our Watford

City, ND location. Previous gas field experi-ence highly recommended. Positive attitude

and professional manner with co-workers andcustomers required. Have good working knowl-

edge of loaders, manlifts, light towers, maxiand thermodyne heaters, generators and

pumps. Duties include sales support to currentcustomers with some cold calling required tobuild customer base, create and follow up on

sales leadsLocal travel required. Excellent communication

and organization skills needed.Benefits include health, dental, vision, life

insurance, 401K with company match, vaca-tion, sick, paid holidays. Send resume to:

email [emailprotected] or fax 307-537-5005.

Medical Assistant or LPN needed forbusy orthopedic office. Part-time. Applyat Powder River Orthopedics and Spine,

508 Stocktrail, Suite A, Gillette.


National Construction Company seeks aMining Site Manager for above ground opera-tions in Arizona. Projects can include varioustypes of construction on a mine site. This posi-

tion will be responsible for supervising anddirecting the construction operations at a minesite and coordinating operations for adequate

personnel and equipment. This position will beaccountable for developing a strong team envi-ronment. Maintain accurate records for propercost control and planning. Maintain a compe-tent workforce through effective managementtechniques. Communicate closely with all par-ties involved in projects. Interact with SafetyDepartment to ensure appropriate standardsare maintained. Interact with various other

company departments in a professional man-ner at all times. Requirements:

Four year degree in Construction Managementor Engineering and 5+ years of experience or

equivalent combinations of training and experi-ence.

Experience managing construction projects inthe range of $1m to $10m..Experience with

federal mining regulations and supporting doc-umentation. Timberline software experience.Knowledge of workforce management tech-

niques to increase productivity. Please submitresume/ work history and references. Fax to:

303-531-0721Background/ drug screen/ MVR required


Salon booth rental, great location in estab-lished salon. Hair Studio 2000, 686-3701.

Five to ten years experience, carpenters/ leadman. R&L Contractors, 682-7598.

Service tech/truck driver position. Requirestruck driving experience with current CDL.Tanker endorsement preferred. Must havegood driving record. Experience in one ormore areas including pump repair, mainte-

nance, pipefitting, welding and basic math arehelpful. Benefit package is available. Must be

willing to relocate to the Wright, Wyomingarea.

Send resume and three references [emailprotected].

BROWNINGELECTRIC COMPANY INC. is currentlyaccepting applications for Journeyman/

MSHA Certified Electricians. Must be highlymotivated with leadership skills, punctual

and drug free. Experience in material han-dling (COAL) and power generation pre-

ferred. Please email resume [emailprotected]

Warehouse and delivery technician, Cleandriving record required. Must be able to carry

100 lbs. Apply at Trends Furniture.



Seeking enthusiastic self-motivated dentalassistant/ sterilization tech. Dental experi-ence is required. Excellent hours, benefitsare offered. Email confidential resume to


Looking for reliable help that enjoys workingwith kids. Must be first aid certified or willingto be certified. No late nights, weekends orholidays. Please bring three letters of refer-

ence and apply in person at Just 4 KidsDaycare, 1001 N. Hwy. 14-16.

Administrative Assistant, need mature, selfmotivated individual. Must be detail oriented,conscientious, organized and very accurate.The right person will multi-task between cleri-

cal detail work and customer service. They willbe able to organize and follow projects thru

completion. Competitive salary andExceptional Benefit Package. Send resume to

Visionary Communications, PO Box 2799,Gillette, WY 82717 or deliver to VisionaryCommunications, 1001 S Douglas Hwy,

Gillette, WY.

Looking for massage therapist and experi-enced hair dresser. Call 689-2611.

We are seeking a Technical Support AgentGood customer skills and phone skills a must.

Competitive salary and exceptional benefitpackage. To apply, bring resume to 1001 S.

Douglas Highway and ask for Christie or mailto Visionary Communications, PO Box 2799,

Gillette, WY 82717.


apprentice electricians with three yearsexperience. Must possess MSHA 5000-23certification, be highly motivated, punctual

and drug free. Please email resume [emailprotected].

Seeking part-time snow plow operators for up-coming season. This is a part-time position

only. Must be able to commit from midOctober to early April for part-time work only,

with variable hours, such as retirees, students,seasonal workers. Must be drug free and ableto work within a team. Integrity and honesty amust. Pays well with variable bonuses. If youcan’t commit as described above, please do

not apply. 307-660-0981.

Hard working, dependable stylist, Mondaythrough Friday 9:00-6:00. Apply with resume,

including three references, Shear Magic Salon,110 E.

Lakeway, Suite 500.

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (14)

September 5, 2012 - The Advertiser Page 15

Crook County Medical Services District has L.P.N. position available in the

Long Term Care Department.

If you would like to make a difference and be part of a dedicated and professional team. Crook County Medical Services, Long Term Care has an immediate opening for a Wyoming licensed LPN. The position is full-time on

the night shift. No prior experience necessary, will train. Must be a reliable, team player and self-motivated.

Applications are available in the HR and Business Offices, PO Box 571, 713 Oak Street, Sundance, WY 82729 or email your resume

and cover letter to [emailprotected]. 307-283-3501, Ext. 343.

E.O.E.& Drug Free Workplace


DOWL HKM is seeking professionals to joinour engineering team in our Gillette office,

including positions for Engineer IV, Engineer IIIand CAD Technician III. We are a multi-disci-

plinary engineering firm with 400 employees in18 offices in six states (AK, AZ, MT, ND, WA,WY). Please see our web site for more details

www.dowlhkm.com. DOWL HKM offers free employee health insur-ance, cash bonuses, generous 401(k) retire-

ment savings and matching, paid time off, flex-ible work schedule, and fun people to work

with. DOWL HKM is an Alaska Native ownedfirm and an equal opportunity and affirmative

action employer. M/F/D/V. Apply online atwww.dow

Outside Sales Position targeting EasternWyoming’s energy industries to include coal,

oil and gas. Sales experience is required.Payincludes salary plus commission. Benefits

include company truck, 401K, holiday pay, andvacation days. Based out of Gillette or Wright.

Please email resume [emailprotected].

Yard hand, entails loading and unloadingequipment. Must be able to lift 50-75 pounds

and have a valid driver’s license. Some experi-ence with rental equipment would be neces-sary. Some mechanical knowledge preferred.Wages DOE. Please apply in person at Razor

City Rental, 305 South Miller Avenue.

Laborers needed for erosion control. 40-50hours per week, Monday -Friday. Applicantmust be able to lift 50 lbs, must be depend-able and have a valid drivers license. WageDOE. Email resume to welchconstruction-

[emailprotected]. 307-682-0214.

Driver/ OperatorViking Explosives & Supply, Inc. is seeking a

full-time driver/ operator in Gillette. Dutiesinclude assisting blaster in loading blast holes,dewatering holes and other duties as needed.

Must be able to follow direction, be a selfstarter and team player. Prior mining experi-ence is a plus. Applicants must have a valid

driver’s license (CDL with Hazmat preferred),pass a background check and drug screen. To

apply, fax your resume to 651-437-8143 oremail [emailprotected].

CUSTOMER SERVICE Free tuition tax school. Earn extra

income after taking course. Flexibleschedules. Register now! Courses start-ing soon. Call 307-685-6801, Liberty Tax

Service. Small fee for books.

Registered dental hygienist wanted for dentalpractice in Gillette. Full-time. Vacation and holi-

day pay. Monday-Thursday. Direct patientcare, record keeping, communication skills.

Send resume to Blind Box 693, C/O The NewsRecord, P.O. Box 3006, Gillette, WY. 82717.

Caregiver needed for disabled person, willtrain. Must be 18 or older, have valid driver’slicense, and pass criminal background check.


Seeking full-time janitorial workers. Starting at$9/ hour. Please call 1-800-358-7038.


Midwest Motor Express, Inc., an EOE, is seek-ing a full-time driver for pickup and deliveries.Requires a CDL Class A driver’s license withD/T-H/M endorsements, clean driving record,current DOT physical, must pass pre-employ-ment drug screen. Some computer experiencehelpful. We offer a full slate of benefits, includ-ing vacation pay, 401K, health care coveragepaid by company for your entire family. Apply

in person at 4800 S. Butler Spaeth Road,Gillette, WY 82718. 686-8084.

Experienced tow truck driver. Please call 685-1408 for Mary or Jerry.

Counter help needed. morning hours andSaturdays, baker’s helper. Drug test required.

No smoking. Apply in person at Breanna’sBakery, 208 S. Gillette Avenue.

TAX PREPARERS with experience need-ed. Exciting ground-floor opportunities for

growth and advancement with fastestgrowing Tax Preparation Company ever!We make work fun! Call Today! 307-685-

6801 or www.libertytax.com.

Looking to hire an office/parts manager. Mustbe organized, have good computer and cus-tomer service skills with parts and accountingexperience. Job located in Wright WY. If inter-

ested please send resume to [emailprotected]

HAIRSTYLISTS NEEDED FOR SALON INGILLETTE! SmartStyle Salon currently seek-ing talented, licensed hairstylists interested inhaving fun while earning great money! Highpotential, high energy locations now hiring.Full service salons offering a small company

feel with big company benefits including:Guaranteed wage plus productivity increases,top retail commission, paid vacation, health,

dental, vision, employee stock purchase plan,advanced training, monthly contests and

prizes, merchandise discounts, Opportunity foradvancement, 401K and 529 savings plans.

You supply your license and shears, we supplythe rest. Come join our team! For a confiden-tial interview, call 1-888-888-7778; ext 42268

Ask for Charlotte.

Northeast Wyoming BOCES is taking applica-tions for employment for Residential Child

Care Assistants and Overnight ResidentialChild Care Assistants to work at the Powder

River Basin Children’s Center. Nights andweekends required. Qualifications include:

Must be 21 years of age, have a high schooldiploma or equivalent, and possess personalqualities that project a positive role model for

the children. Experience with disabled studentsa plus. TB testing required. CPR/ First Aid, CPI

training provided but current certification aplus. Must be able to lift 50 pounds.

Applications must include: a completed appli-cation form, a resume, cover letter and three

letters of reference to be considered foremployment. Background checks are complet-

ed during the hiring process. Hourly wagestarts at $12.50/ hour DOE/Q. For more infor-mation call NEW BOCES at 307-682-0231 or

stop by 410 North Miller Avenue, Gillette. EOE.


Tetra Tech Construction, Inc., seeks a ProjectEstimator for operations in Wyoming. The suc-cessful candidate will be responsible for organ-izing and executing all aspects and craft disci-plines for mining and oil and gas project esti-

mates. Primary duties and responsibilities:Reading and interpreting industrial engineering

drawings. Performing material take-offs. Obtaining

quotes from material vendors and subcontrac-tors.

Research and track historical data. Preparationof schedules and proposals.

Travel to regional project locations as needed. Skills, experience & education: Education andexperience requirements include: A Bachelor'sdegree in Mechanical or Civil Engineering, or

Construction Science/ Management program isstrongly preferred although not required..A

minimum of three years’ experience in the min-ing and oil and gas arena is required.

Candidates must possess solid organizationalskills and strong attention to detail. Must be

capable of assembling complete estimates forcomplex multi-million dollar projects. Must beable to read engineering drawings and pos-

sess sound technical skills as well as the abili-ty to gather, coordinate, and present informa-

tion clearly. Must be able to effectively commu-nicate with managers, clients, engineers, ven-dors. Please submit resume and references to

[emailprotected]/ drug screen/ MVR required


DOWL HKM is seeking professionals to joinour engineering team in our Gillette

office,including positions for engineer IV, engi-neer III, and CAD technician III. We are amulti-disciplinary engineering firm with 400

employees in 18 offices in six states (AK, AZ,MT, ND, WA, WY). Please see our web site for

more details www.dowlhkm.com. DOWL HKM offers free employee health insur-ance, cash bonuses, generous 401(k) retire-

ment savings and matching, paid time off, flex-ible work schedule, and fun people to work

with. DOWL HKM is an Alaska Native ownedfirm and an equal opportunity and affirmative

action employer. M/F/D/V. Apply online atwww.dowlhkm.com.

Legal Assistant needed for busy law firm.Legal experience preferred. Good typing skillsrequired. Must have excellent communication

and organizational skills with ability to workeffectively under pressure and with others.

Qualified applicants please submit an inquiryletter, detailed resume, and three business ref-

erences to: Lubnau Law Office, P.C.,Attn.:Toby Dunn, P.O. Box 1028, Gillette, WY

82717-1028. (Please no telephone inquiries orwalk-ins.) EOE.

Access Supervisor for CASA Sixth JudicialDistrict .Assist with supervised visits for chil-

dren and their families.Flexible schedule and good interpersonal skills

required. Work includes some evenings andweekend hours. Contact Vettie at 687-9440.

Data processing.position, full or part-time, will train, flexible schedule. Call




SIXTH JUDICIAL DISTRICTCASA for the Sixth Judicial District, Gillette,Wyoming, is seeking an Executive Director.The ideal candidate has experience workingwith non-profit organizations in a leadershiprole with specific experience in grant writing,public speaking, fund raising and personnel

management. Candidates should demonstratestrong skills in public relations, project man-

agement, interpersonal skills, and grant man-agement. The Executive Director is responsi-ble to the CASA Board of Trustees and worksclosely with numerous social service agenciesand the legal community. The ideal candidatehas a Bachelor’s Degree in a human service

field or public administration and at least threeyears experience working in non-profit agen-

cies, or experience equivalent. Email a letter ofinterest and resume to [emailprotected] orsend to: CASA Board of Trustees PresidentCASA for the Sixth Judicial District, P.O. Box

2557, Gillette, WY 82717.Applications are accepted until September 7 or

until position is filled.

Wyoming Lawn Pro is hiring, Stop by our officeand fill out an application, 3050 Coulter Lane,No phone calls, Must have current and clean

driver's license.

Campbell County Head Start is acceptingapplications for a full time Head Start Teacher

working with children age’s three to five.Bachelor’s Degree required, preferably in Early

Childhood Education, Social Work, ChildDevelopment, or a related field. Must havestrong interpersonal skills. For application/

information: www.wyomingchild.org, 307-682-4214. EOE.

SHERIDAN COLLEGE, ConstructionTechnician. Full-time hourly position with bene-fits. Five years experience as journeyman levelcarpenter or construction tradesmen required.Responsible for small to medium remodel proj-

ects. Apply on-line at:https://jobs.sheridan.edu until 9/6/12. EOE.

Soundworks is looking for an audio/ videoinstaller, automotive and some residential.Experience required. Great opportunity tomake great wage. Please drop resume by

store, 700 South Douglas Hwy

Looking for a great opportunity at a fast pacedbusy salon? Looking for a licensed hairstylist,experience preferred but not necessary. Call

307-696-5319 or 307-682-4364.

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (15)

Page 16 The Advertiser – September 5, 2012

Th e News-Record is seeking an

ADVERTISING REPRESENTATIVE to join our growing team.

Sales and customer service experience preferred.


• Have Reliable transportation •

• Enjoy working with people •

• Have Enthusiasm •

• Be Creative •

• Build long lasting professional relationships with clients •

Paid Mileage • Full Benefi ts

If you are a self motivated, driven individual with great

customer service experience mail or email your resume to

P.O. Box 3006 Gillette, WY 82717

Attn: Mandi Gideon, Advertising Manager

or Email to [emailprotected]

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local news sports and weather for more than 100 years.

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Quotations: Choices It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities. – J.K. Rowling

If you limit your choices only to what seems possible or reasonable, you disconnect yourself from what you truly want, and all that is left is compromise. – Robert Fritz

Things do not happen. Things are made to happen. – John F. Kennedy

There are two primary choices in life—to accept conditions as they exist or accept the responsibility for changing them. – Denis Waitley

A man is happy so long as he chooses to be happy and nothing can stop him. – Alexander Solzhenitsyn

In the long run, we shape our lives, and we shape ourselves. The process never ends until we die. And the choices we make are ultimately our own responsibility. – Eleanor Roosevelt

Instead of looking at life as a narrowing funnel, we can see it ever widening to choose the things we want to do, to take the wisdom we’ve learned and create something. – Liz Carpenter

Life is a sum of all your choices. – Albert Camus

To live is to choose. But to choose well, you must know who you are and what you stand for, where you want to go and why you want to get there. – Kofi Annan

Until a person can say deeply and honestly, “I am what I am today because of the choices I made yesterday,” that person cannot say, “I choose otherwise.” – Stephen R. Covey

We must make the choices that enable us to fulfi ll the deepest capacities of our real selves. – Thomas Merton

The strongest principle of growth lies in human choice. – George Eliot

STROKE IDENTIFICATIONIt only takes a minute to read this...A

neurologist says that if he can get to a stroke victim within 3 hours he can totally reverse the effects of a stroke...totally. He said the trick was getting a stroke recognized, diagnosed, and then getting the patient medically cared for within 3 hours, which is tough.

RECOGNIZING A STROKEThank God for the sense to remember

the '3' steps, STR. Read and learn!Sometimes symptoms of a stroke are

diffi cult to identify. Unfortunately, the lack of awareness spells disaster. The stroke victim may suffer severe brain damage when people nearby fail to recognize the symptoms of a stroke.

Now doctors say a bystander can recognize a stroke by asking three simple questions:

S *Ask the individual to SMILE.T *Ask the person to TALK and SPEAK

A SIMPLE SENTENCE (Coherently) (i.e. It is sunny out today)

R *Ask him or her to RAISE BOTH ARMS.

If he or she has trouble with ANY ONE of these tasks, call 911 immediately and describe the symptoms to the dispatcher.

New Sign of a Stroke - Stick Out Your Tongue

NOTE: Ask the person to 'stick' out his tongue. If the tongue is 'crooked', if it goes to one side or the other, that is also an indication of a stroke.

Trivia Quiz: Those Buggy Bugs

With summer heat comes lots of insects. How much do you know about the world of insects? Test your bug trivia with this quiz.

1. How long can a cockroach live without a head?2. About how many dust mites can you fi nd on a typical bed?3. True or False: Ants don’t sleep.4. The African Goliath beetle is the heaviest beetle in the world. How much does it weigh?5. Dragonfl ies are one of the fastest moving insects. How fast can they fl y?6. True or False: Every year, insects eat 1/3 of the world’s food crops.7. What color is the blood of insects?8. Which gender of crickets can chirp: the male or the female?9. In its entire lifetime, how much honey does the average worker bee produce?10. The rhinoceros beetle is the world’s strongest insect. How many times its own body weight can it support?

Answers1. One week. 2. 6 billion. 3. True.4. 100 grams or 3.5 ounces (the same as 33 pennies)5. 50 to 60 mph (80 to 96 kph).6. True. 7. Yellow.8. The male cricket.9. 1/12th of a teaspoon of honey.10. 850.

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (16)

September 5, 2012 - The Advertiser Page 17

Are you a little OCDwhen it comes to

spelling and grammar?

Send résumé to Gillette News RecordManaging Editor Deb Sutton P.O. Box 3006 Gillette WY, 82717or drop off at 1201 W. Second St.

Gillette News Record has apage layout and pre-production position for you. Must be Mac friendly with abackground in InDesign and Adobe Creative Suite. Strong editing and proof-reading skills preferred. 30-35 hours a week Monday-Friday


Crook County Medical Services District has C.N.A. positions available in the

Long Term Care Department. If you are willing to work shifts and have an energetic and positive attitude you will

want to be a part of our dedicated and caring team. High school graduate or GED and current Certification

for Nursing Assistant required.

Applications available in the HR and Business Offices or email resume and cover letter [emailprotected].

307-283-3501 Ext. 343.

E.O.E.& Drug Free Workplace

to a

We have moved to:

1201 W. 2nd StreetCall

682-9306, Bob Kettrey, Ext. 121Tinelle Cox, Ext. 215

Linsdey Petri, Ext. 212Michele Gossett, Ext. 216

Londen Fuernisen, Ext. 218

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause.


Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (17)

Page 18 The Advertiser – September 5, 2012

SERVICE TECHNICIANSSERVICE TECHNICIANSThe worldwide mining industry uses large loading and transport vehicles and machines from Liebherr for open-cast mining and the extraction of raw materials. These giants move enormous amounts of material under the most arduous conditions and have convinced operators of their high level of reliability. Innovative solutions, mature technical design and components with long service lives guarantee minimum costs for each ton moved. Liebherr Mining Equipment is looking for Service Technicians who will be responsible for maintaining and repairing Liebherr Mining Haul Trucks.

• Completes and submits required service and fi eld modifi cation reports.

• Change out selected components.

• Promotes a safe work environment by ensuring the group and self follow established safety procedures including MSHA & OSHA regulations.

• Participates in mechanical upgrades & repairs.

• General manual labor.

• Understands and complies with quality assurance requirements.

• Develops an understanding of systems used on Liebherr Mining Equipment products.

• Promotes communication and cooperation for the greater good of the company and the customer.

• Meets the needs of internal and external customers.

• Access and updated the computerized maintenance programs.

• Troubleshoot mechanical issues

Liebherr Mining Equipment offers a full benefi t package including: full medical, dental, vision, life insurance, 401k, retention bonus programs, safety bonuses and a competitive wage!

To apply email your resume to: [emailprotected] mail it to: Liebherr Mining EquipmentAtt: Sonya P.O. Box 1069 Gillette, WY 82717

Liebherr Mining Equipment is an Equal Opportunity Employer

Send resume to: email [emailprotected] or fax (307) 537-5005

Join Our Team!!Field Sales AssociateDynamic sales person needed for our Watford City, ND location!

Field MechanicAre you mechanically inclined? We need a full-time Field Mechanic at our Watford City, ND location.


Carriers Needed

The following routes are OPEN.....Heritage Village, South Park,

Prairie Rose/Blossom, Ash Meadows andDowntown West

Please call Deanna at

682-9306, Ext. 225

Crook County Medical Services District has an opening for a

Director of Nursing in our Long Term Care facility. Position requires a registered nurse with a current Wyoming license

and five years of administrative long term care experience. As a management position, a motivated, dedicated and caring individual is needed.

Applications are available in the HR and Business Offices,

PO Box 571, 713 Oak Street, Sundance, WY 82729 or email your resume and cover letter to [emailprotected].

307-283-3501, ext. 343

E.O.E.& Drug Free Workplace

Quick Tips: Organizing Tip - Keep your workbench

free from clutter by using a magnetic knife holder. Mount it on a wall and use it to hold chisels, small screwdrivers, and other small metal tools. You can store nuts, bolts, screws, and other fasteners in a multi-drawer organizer. Look for one you can hang on a wall. To make it easier to fi nd what is in each drawer, glue one of the items to the outside of the drawer.

Safety Tip - When you are doing home improvement projects, it is important to have the right tools for the job. If you need a circular saw, for example, don’t try to substitute a jigsaw. If you don’t have the right tool, consider renting. Many home improvement stores have affordable tools for rent. They can even show you how to use this equipment safely and effectively.

Healthy Living Tip - Take a few minutes each day to stop and refl ect on your life. You can spend some time practicing gratitude. This helps give you some perspective and improves your ability to handle life’s challenges. Remember that you have the power to control your thoughts.

Travel Tip - When you head abroad it may not occur to you that you could run into diffi culty charging your gadgets due to different voltages and outlets. Most portable electronics, such as cell phones and laptops, support the full range of voltage used throughout the world, but be sure to check the product information label on your device fi rst. If the input voltage is listed as 100-240V, you should be fi ne. You will still need an outlet adapter, so fi nd out what your destination country uses before leaving.

Riddles for Kids: Bees Q: What goes zzub, zzub?A: A bee fl ying backwards!

Q: What song do bees like to sing in stormy weather?A: I’m Stingin’ in the Rain!

Q: What are the smartest insects?A: Spelling bees!

Q: How do you hunt for bees?A: With a bee bee gun!

Q: How does a bee brush its hair?A: With a honeycomb!

Q: Why did the queen bee kick out all of the other bees?A: Because they kept droning on and on!

Q: What do bees do if they want to use public transportation?A: Wait at the buzz stop!

Q: What kind of gum do bees chew?A: Bumble gum!

Q: What does a bee get if he visits too many fl owers?A: High bud-pressure!

Q: What do the boy and girl bees ride to school?A: The school buzz!

Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (18)

September 5, 2012 - The Advertiser Page 19


A bake sale is a sweet way to support any charitable cause, whether it’s raising money for new uniforms or donating to a local animal shelter. These tips and recipes from the

celebration experts at Wilton will make bake sale treats that stand out among the rest — it’s a piece of cake.

Baking delicious goodies is just the start to a suc cessful bake sale. Add some dazzling details. The eye-catching fi nishes on Bake-Sale Ready Cupcakes — swirls of colorful icing topped with jumbo sprinkles and butterfl y decorations, complete with vibrant wraps — will ensure they sell out fast.

Serve sweets-on-a-stick like Kaleidoscope Cookie Pops and School Star Cereal Treat Pops. Favorite treats are more fun and easier to eat when customers can just grab them and enjoy.

Offer size options. Sell some cupcakes and mini breads by the “eaches” and cookies by the pop. Have dozens available, too.

Wrap goodies using treat bags and ribbon, or pack in colorful, easy-to-transport boxes — making them perfect gifts customers will want to keep for themselves.

Visit www.wilton.com for other bake sale ideas and recipes, and for all of your baking and decorating supplies.

Coconut Lime Mini BreadsBreads 1-1/2 cups all-purpose fl our 1 teaspoon fi nely grated lime zest 1/2 teaspoon baking powder 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened 1 cup granulated sugar 3 eggs 1-1/2 teaspoons coconut extract 1/3 cup unsweetened coconut milkTopping (optional) 1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar 1 to 2 teaspoons fresh lime juice 3 tablespoons toasted sweetened fl aked coconutPreheat oven to 350°F. Line cavities of Petite Loaf Pan with Petite Loaf Baking Cups.

In medium bowl, combine fl our, lime zest and baking powder. In large bowl, beat butter and sugar with electric mixer until light and fl uffy. Add eggs one at a time, mixing well after each addition. Stir in coconut extract. Add fl our mixture alternately with coconut milk to butter mixture; mix until well combined. Divide mixture evenly into baking cups.

Bake 25 to 28 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool loaves in pan 10 minutes. Remove loaves from pan; cool completely.

To make icing, combine confectioners’ sugar and lime juice in small bowl to desired consistency. Drizzle icing over tops of loaves, allowing icing to run down sides. Sprinkle with toasted coconut.

Makes 9 petite loaves.

Zucchini & Apple Bread 2-1/2 cups all-purpose fl our 1-1/4 cups granulated sugar 2 teaspoons ground cinnamon 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg 3/4 cup vegetable oil 3 eggs 1 teaspoon vanilla extract 1 medium zucchini, shredded (about 1-1/2 cups) 1 medium apple, peeled, cored and shredded

(about 1 cup) 3/4 cup chopped pecans or walnutsPreheat oven to 325°F. Spray 9 x 5-inch loaf pan with vegetable pan spray.

In large bowl, combine fl our, sugar, cinnamon, baking powder, salt and nutmeg. In medium bowl, whisk together oil, eggs and vanilla. Stir into fl our mixture. Stir in zucchini, apple and pecans, mixing until just combined. (Do not overmix.) Turn mixture into prepared pan.

Bake 50 to 60 minutes or until toothpick inserted in center comes out clean. Cool bread in pan 10 minutes. Loosen edges of bread from pan. Remove bread from pan; cool completely.

Makes about 12 servings.

Kaleidoscope Cookie Pops 2-3/4 cups all-purpose fl our 1 teaspoon baking powder 1 teaspoon salt 1 cup (2 sticks) butter, softened 1-1/2 cups granulated sugar 1 egg 1-1/2 teaspoons vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon almond extract Round Comfort Grip Cutter Assorted Colors Cookie Icing Assorted Jumbo Sprinkles or other favorite Sugars and Sprinkles Cookie Treat Sticks Candy Melts candy (optional)Preheat oven to 350°F.

In small bowl, combine fl our, baking powder and salt. In large bowl, beat butter and sugar with electric mixer until light and fl uffy. Add egg and extracts; mix well. Do not chill dough. Divide dough into 2 balls. On fl oured surface, roll each ball into a circle approximately 12-inch diameter x 1/8-inch thick. Dip cookie cutter in fl our before each use. Bake cookies on ungreased cookie sheet 8 to 11 minutes or until cookies are lightly browned. Cool cookies completely.

Outline and fi ll-in cookie with Cookie Icing. Add zigzag border to some cookies. If desired, pipe alternating circles of colors onto cookie surface; immediately pull toothpick through icing from center of cookie to outer edge, pulling colors through. Or, arrange sprinkles and sugars on iced cookie surface. Let dry.

Attach sticks to back of cookies with icing or melted candy. Let dry.

Makes about 2 dozen cookies.

Bake Sale-Ready Cupcakes Assorted Primary, Gold or Silver Baking Cups Favorite cupcake recipe or mix Buttercream or Chocolate Buttercream Icing Golden Yellow or other desired Icing Color Jumbo Stars and Jumbo Nonpareil Sprinkles Butterfl y or other favorite Icing DecorationsPreheat oven to 350°F. Line cavities of standard muffi n pan with baking cups.

Bake your favorite cupcakes in prepared pan. Cool completely. Color buttercream icing with icing color. Pipe tip 1M buttercream or chocolate buttercream icing swirl on cupcake top; insert icing decoration.

Each cupcake serves 1.

School Star Cereal Treat Pops 1/4 cup (1/2 stick) butter or margarine 4 cups mini marshmallows 6 cups crisp rice cereal Cookie Treat Sticks Cookie Icing Assorted SprinklesSpray Star Cookie Treat Pan and rubber spatula or wooden spoon with vegetable pan spray.

In large saucepan, melt butter. Add marshmallows; cook and stir until melted. Remove from heat and add cereal; mix well. Press into prepared pan; insert cookie sticks. When cool to touch, remove from pan. Repeat with remaining cereal mixture. (If mixture becomes hard to work with, microwave at 50 percent power 30 to 60 seconds to soften.)

Outline treat with Cookie Icing; add Sprinkles. Let dry. Makes about 2 dozen pops.

Candy Bark 2 packages (12 oz. ea.) White or Light Cocoa Candy Melts candy Rainbow Chip Crunch or other Sprinkles or SugarsLine 10.5 x 15.5-inch cookie pan with parchment paper.

Melt Candy Melts candy following package instructions; spoon into prepared pan. Tap pan on counter to remove air bubbles; if needed, smooth top with large spatula. Sprinkle on Rainbow Chip Crunch. Chill until fi rm, about 15 minutes. Remove parchment from pan; break candy into smaller serving pieces.

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Taste of Home Cooking School

Tuesday, Sept. 18Tuesday, Sept. 18 - Doors open at 4 p.m. Cooking school at 7 p.m.

Arrive when doors open and enjoy the many retail & food vendor booths before the show.

Tickets are $12 and are available at CAM-PLEX ticket offi ce, online at CAM-PLEX.com or by calling 682-8802

Call the Gillette News Record today for more information, 682-9306, Ext. 217 www.gillettenewsrecord.com 1201 W. Second St. • P.O. Box 3006, Gillette, WY 82717




Vol. 36, No. 36 - [PDF Document] (2025)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Views: 5903

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Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.